Twas Easter Sunday Morning – Hymn Lyric

Discover the nostalgia and beauty of Easter hymns

Twas Easter Sunday Morning – Hymn Lyric

‘Twas Easter Sunday morning, and I found myself drawn back to my childhood home in the village. It was a filled with cherished memories and loved ones. As I entered the , the preacher began to speak, and the choir joined in with their sweet melodies. Among them stood an old man, singing the old songs that were both good and true. His voice was like honey, sweet and tender. Even now, I can still hear his melodic tunes resonating in my ears. He sang an old refrain that has been imprinted in my heart forever. It was a song that I will never forget.


Twas Easter Sunday Morning – Hymn Lyric

‘Twas Easter Sunday morning,
To the village I had gone;
My boyhood home where lived the ones I loved;
At the church the preacher spoke the Word,
The choir sang sweetly, too,
And in their midst an old man sang
The old songs good and true;

His voice was sweet and tender,
I seem to hear him yet
again an old refrain I never will forget.

How he sang in the old church choir
Olden songs, golden songs of a bygone day,
Sweet songs of gladness, songs, too, of sadness
That carried me , far away,
And I longed in my soul for that heavenly goal
That he sang of so sweetly in those songs:
Lead Kindly Light amid th’encircling gloom
And Rock of Ages cleft for me.
Those were the songs, the old golden songs
That he sang in the old church choir.

So here’s a simple lesson
Of the good that we can do
To help our fellow men along the way;
Just a word of to those we meet
May ease an aching heart,
A song may save two souls that otherwise might apart.

Still in my memory that lingers
That singer and his song.
Sweet and low, so long ago,
To hear his voice I long. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Twas Easter Sunday Morning

‘Twas Easter Sunday morning, and I found myself drawn back to my childhood home in the village. It was a place filled with cherished memories and loved ones. As I entered the church, the preacher began to speak, and the choir joined in with their sweet melodies. Among them stood an old man, singing the old songs that were both good and true.

His voice was like honey, sweet and tender. Even now, I can still hear his melodic tunes resonating in my ears. He sang an old refrain that has been imprinted in my heart forever. It was a song that I will never forget.

In the old church choir, he sang songs that were from a bygone day. These olden songs held a special place in my heart, as they brought both gladness and sadness into my soul. With every note, I felt myself being transported to a different time and place. I longed for that heavenly goal that he sang so sweetly about in those songs. They carried a message of hope, just like the ones that he sang with such passion: “Lead Kindly Light amid th’encircling gloom” and “Rock of Ages cleft for me.”

Those were the golden songs that he sang in the old church choir, and they left a lasting impression on me. The simplicity of their message spoke volumes about the power of music. It reminded me of a simple lesson – the good that we can do to help our fellow men along the way.

Sometimes, all it takes is a word of cheer to brighten someone’s day, to ease an aching heart. And just like that old man’s voice, a song has the ability to bring people together, to bridge the gaps that may otherwise separate them. A single song can save two souls from drifting apart.

As I reflect on that sweet memory that lingers in my mind, I can’t help but feel a longing to hear that singer and his song once more. His melodies were like a lullaby, soothing my troubled thoughts and me comfort.

The title, “Twas Easter Sunday Morning,” captures the essence of this beautiful hymn. It encapsulates the joy and hope that Easter brings, along with the nostalgia and warmth of a Sunday morning in the village church.

So, as we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us not forget the power of music to touch our souls. Let us embrace the old golden songs that have stood the test of time. They hold within them a timeless message of love, faith, and redemption.

In our own lives, let us strive to be like that old man in the church choir. Let us share words of kindness, extend a helping hand, and lend our voices to those in . May our songs bring joy to others and remind them of the hope and salvation found in the Easter .

As we continue along our journeys, may we always carry the spirit of those old golden songs. May their melodies guide us through the ups and downs of , shining a light in the encircling gloom. And may we find solace and strength in the rock of ages, knowing that we are never alone.

So, on this Easter Sunday morning, as we gather together to celebrate and rejoice, let us sing the old songs – the songs that have touched countless hearts and souls. Let us cherish their timeless beauty and allow them to transport us to a place of peace and serenity.

For in those old golden songs lies a powerful message of love, hope, and everlasting life. And as we sing them, we honor the past, embrace the present, and look towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

So, let us raise our voices and join together in the old church choir, singing the songs that have stood the test of time. Let us share in the joy and celebration that Easter brings, as we remember the true meaning of this special day.

“Twas Easter Sunday Morning” – a title that holds within it the power and beauty of this beloved hymn. Let its melody guide us, its lyrics inspire us, and its message fill our hearts with love and gratitude.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the nostalgia and beauty of Easter hymns, especially Twas Easter Sunday Morning. Let the timeless melodies and heartfelt lyrics transport you to a place of hope and salvation. Sing along and embrace the joy of this special day!


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