Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful sacrifice of Jesus on the cross in "Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree." Experience the fountain of hope and victory in His blood that cleanses and breaks every chain. Don't delay

Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree – Hymn Lyric

“Twas , My Savior Who Died On The Tree: A Fountain of ” is a hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, opening a fountain of and grace for sinners. It assures us that Jesus, our conquering Savior, will break every chain and grant us victory. This hymn calls out to sinners, urging them to come to Jesus and experience the fullness of His love and salvation.


Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree – Hymn Lyric

‘Twas Jesus, my Saviour, who died on the tree
To open a fountain for sinners like me;
His blood is the fountain thath pardon bestows,
And cleanses the foulest wherever it flows.

For the conquering Saviour shall break ev’ry chain,
And give us the vict’ry again and again;
For the conquering Saviour shall break ev’ry chain,
And give us the vict’ry again and again

And when I was willing with all things to part,
He gave me my bounty, His love in my heart;
So now I am join’d with the conquering band
Who are marching to glory at Jesus’ command.


Tho’ round me the storms of adversity roll,
And the waves of destruction encompass my soul,
In vain this frail vessel the tempest shall toss,
My hopes rest secure on the blood of the Cross.


And when with the ransom’d of Jesus, my head,
From fountain to fountain I then shall be led,
I’ll fall at His feet and His adore,
And sing of the blood of the Cross evermore.


Come, sinners, to Jesus! no longer delay;
A full free salvation He offers today;
Arouse your spirits, awake from your ,
And Christ will support you in coming to Him.


Meaning of Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree

Twas Jesus, My Savior Who Died On The Tree: A Fountain of Hope

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross to open a fountain of forgiveness and grace for sinners like you and me. His blood is the source of that fountain, where pardon is bestowed and the foulest sins are washed away. This hymn instills in us a sense of hope and victory, as it assures us that our conquering Savior will break every chain that binds us and grant us victory time and time again.

Picture this: Jesus, the loving Savior, willingly laying down His life on a tree to pay the price for our sins. It was His selfless act that opened this incredible fountain, a neverending flow of forgiveness and mercy. No matter how deep our sins may be, His blood can cleanse even the foulest of hearts. It’s like a reset button for our souls, giving us a fresh start every time we approach this life-giving fountain.

Just as Jesus conquered death and sin, He has the power to break every chain that holds us captive. Whatever struggles we may face, whether it be fear, doubt, addiction, or despair, Jesus promises to set us free. He is continually giving us the victory, over and over again. Isn’t that amazing? We have a Savior who not only saves us but also empowers us to live a life of triumph.

There may be times when we find ourselves surrounded by the storms of adversity, feeling like we’re being tossed and turned. But fear not, my friend, for we have an anchor that holds us steady. In the midst of life’s chaotic waves, we can find security and in the blood of the Cross. It is a firm foundation that can withstand any tempest that comes our way.

As we journey through life, we have the assurance that Jesus, our Redeemer, will lead us from one fountain to another. Imagine being guided by His loving hand, from the fountain of forgiveness to the fountain of grace, and finally to the fountain of eternal glory. It is a journey that fills us with awe and gratitude, knowing that it is all made possible by the blood shed on the Cross.

When that glorious day comes, and we are standing in the presence of our ransom Savior, our heads held high, we will fall at His feet in complete adoration and gratitude. We will sing to His name, forever for the blood shed on the Cross. It is a reminder of His endless love and the incredible sacrifice He made for each one of us.

Now, let’s shift our focus for a moment. This hymn doesn’t only speak to those who already believe in Christ. It calls out to sinners, inviting them to come to Jesus without delay. The offer of salvation is available to all, and Jesus offers it freely. Regardless of what you’ve done or who you are, Jesus welcomes you with open arms. He wants to support you, lift you up, and guide you on this life-changing journey towards Him.

So, my friend, if you find yourself lost in darkness or stuck in the web of sin, I urge you to up from your spiritual slumber. Jesus is calling you, beckoning you to come to Him. Embrace this opportunity for a full, free salvation that only He can offer. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back any longer. Jesus is ready and willing to receive you, just as you are.

In conclusion, let the words of this hymn resonate in your heart. Jesus, our Savior, sacrificed His life on the cross, opening a fountain of forgiveness and grace that washes away all our sins. He is the conquering Savior who breaks every chain and gives us victory time and time again. Our hopes are secure in the blood of the Cross, and we eagerly await the day when we will join the redeemed at Jesus’ feet. Sinners, don’t delay any longer. Come to Jesus and experience the fullness of His love and salvation. In Jesus, we find the true fountain of hope.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful sacrifice of Jesus on the cross in Twas Jesus My Savior Who Died On The Tree. Experience the fountain of hope and victory in His blood that cleanses and breaks every chain. Don't delay, come to Jesus for salvation today.


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