Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast – Hymn Lyric

Discover the critique of false religion and the faithlessness of mankind in the hymn "Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast". Explore themes of ignorance

Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast – Hymn Lyric



Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast – Hymn Lyric

Vain foolish Men profanely boast
Of and true :
Their faithless Hearts are full of Lust,
Their ‘s a Contradiction:

Corrupted is their very Frame;
God’s Holiness abhors the same;
There’s None doth Good, but Evil.

II. The Lord, from his coelestial Throne,
Look’d down on evr’y Creature,
To find one Man who had
To love God’s holy Nature;

But ll the Race was gone astray,
All had forsook the saving Way
Of ‘S bright Revelation.

III. How long will they be ignorant
Of their Abomination,
Who thus despise my Covenant,
Nor spare my Holy Nation?

They never call upon the Lord,
But trust unto their golden Hoard,
And turn their own Defenders.

IV. Yet are their Hearts in constant Pain,
And secret Fear and Trembling.
God with his SION will remain,
Where Saints are still assembling:

But you deride the Poors’ Advice,
Their greatest Comfort you despise,
That God’s their only Refuge.

V. O, that the joyful Day wou’d ,
To change our mournful Station,
When God will bring his Children home,
And finish our Salvation!

Then shall the Tribes of JACOB sing,
And JUDAH praise their Lord and King,
With lasting HALLELUJAHS.


Meaning of Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast

In this hymn titled “Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast,” the author explores the theme of false religion and the contrast between the faithlessness of mankind and the holiness of God. The hymn also highlights the ignorance and arrogance of those who despise God’s covenant and neglect the needs of the poor. Throughout the verses, there is a longing for the day when God will bring his children home and complete their salvation, leading to praise and .

The hymn begins by acknowledging the vain and foolish boasting of men who claim to follow God and practice true religion. However, upon closer inspection, their hearts are found to be filled with lust and their lives contradict the principles of genuine faith. The author emphasizes that their corrupt nature is detested by God’s holiness, and that they are incapable of doing good, for evil has consumed them.

From his celestial throne, the Lord looks down upon every creature, searching for even one person who truly loves and embraces God’s holy nature. However, disappointment fills the scene as it becomes evident that the entire human race has strayed away from the path of and abandoned the teachings of Christ. The bright revelation of Christ, which offers hope and salvation, has been by all.

The author questions the ignorance of those who despise God’s covenant and show no regard for his chosen nation. These individuals stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their own abominations and instead trust in their material wealth. They turn to their riches as their defenders and rely on them for protection, completely oblivious to the fact that true security and refuge can only be found in God.

Despite their outward show of confidence, these individuals carry a constant burden of pain, fear, and trembling in their hearts. The hymn suggests that God will remain with his people in Sion, where the saints gather and worship together. The author contrasts the arrogance of those who deride the advice of the poor and despise their reliance on God as their only comfort and refuge.

The hymn concludes with a fervent longing for the day when God will bring his children home and bring an end to their mournful state. This anticipated day of salvation is depicted as a time of great joy and celebration, when the tribes of Jacob and Judah will unite in singing praises to their Lord and King. The hymn ends with the triumphant exclamation of “lasting Hallelujahs,” signifying the enduring praise and worship that will take place in the presence of God.

In summary, “Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast” is a hymn that critiques the false religion and faithlessness of mankind. It highlights the ignorance and arrogance of those who despise God’s covenant and neglect the needs of the poor. The hymn ultimately expresses a longing for the day of salvation when God will gather his children and they will join together in worship and praise. It serves as a reminder to humbly seek God’s guidance and find comfort and refuge in him alone.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the critique of false religion and the faithlessness of mankind in the hymn Vain Foolish Men Profanely Boast. Explore themes of ignorance, arrogance, and the longing for salvation in this powerful and thought-provoking hymn.


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