What Equal Honors Shall We Bring – Hymn Lyric

Looking to honor Jesus with equal praise and respect

What Equal Honors Shall We Bring – Hymn Lyric



What Equal Honors Shall We Bring – Hymn Lyric

What equal honors shall we bring
To , O Lord our God, the Lamb,
When all the notes that angels
Are far inferior to Thy Name?

Worthy is He that once was slain,
The Prince of Peace that groaned and ;
Worthy to rise, and live, and reign
At His Almighty Father’s side.

Power and dominion are His due
Who stood condemned at Pilate’s bar;
Wisdom belongs to Jesus too,
Though He was charged with madness here.

All riches are His native right,
Yet He sustained amazing loss;
To him ascribe might,
Who left His weakness on the cross.

Honor must be paid,
Instead of scandal and of scorn;
While glory shines around His head,
And a bright crown without a thorn.

Blessings forever on the Lamb
Who bore the curse for wretched men;
Let angels sound His sacred Name,
And every creature say, Amen.


Meaning of What Equal Honors Shall We Bring

Many of us might grapple with the profound question – “What Equal Honors Shall We Bring?” At the heart of this question lies an exploration of and an invitation to reflect on the honor bestowed upon Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. It is in this timeless hymn that we find a rich and inspirational discussion about the nature and power of Jesus, and an invitation to give Him honor.

The hymn opens with the rhetorical question, “What equal honors shall we bring to Thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb?” It is a confession of humility before the majesty of the divine, a recognition that no human expressions can match the grandeur of the Lamb of God. No earthly praise can equal His name, even the most glorious hymns sung by angels.

“Worthy is He that once was slain, the Prince of Peace that groaned and died…” Jesus Christ, with His sacrificial life and redemptive death, is worthy of our acknowledgment and praise. We see Him deserving of everything as He earns the right to live, command, and rule by His Father’s side. His status is than any earthly prince or king because He reigns in the divine kingdom. His journey from death to life is a metaphorical story of triumph, of victory over , and a spiritual journey that binds humanity closer to the divine.

“Power and dominion are His due, Who stood condemned at Pilate’s bar…” This scripture is a lamentation of how Christ, in all His wisdom, was misjudged, misrepresented, even accused of madness. It underscores the irony of the situation Jesus found Himself in, where He, a source of divine wisdom, was so misunderstood by His contemporaries. Despite His innocence, He bore the condemnation and suffered the unjust judgement. Yet it is through His suffering and His perseverance that His true power and dominion are revealed.

“All riches are His native right, yet He sustained amazing loss…” We see here, highlighted, the paradox of Jesus, who is without a doubt a divine king, having ‘his native right’ to ‘all riches,’ yet experienced earthly poverty and loss. However, the riches referred to here are not of the temporal world, but are celestial gifts of spiritual abundance, wisdom, and the eternal of God.

We are then reminded of the strength and courage displayed by Jesus in His moments of weakness, particularly on the cross where He willingly submitted to suffering and disgrace for the redemption of mankind. The ultimate reward for such sacrifice is honor immortal which replaces the scandal and scorn He faced on earth. “While glory shines around His head, and a bright crown without a thorn.”

“Blessings forever on the Lamb, who bore the curse for wretched men…” In this line, the hymn acknowledges the sacrificial love of Christ, the Lamb who bore the curse of sin for humanity, took upon Himself the weight of man’s iniquity. It suggests that the only fitting response to such selfless sacrifice is an outpouring of eternal blessings from all of creation.

“Let angels sound His sacred Name, and every creature say, Amen.” The concluding line serves as a unifying call for all of creation to join in recognition and praise of the Lamb, resonating His holy name through the symphony of celestial and terrestrial voices. It’s a call to unity and harmony, echoing the divine “Amen” — so be it.

In essence, “What Equal Honors Shall We Bring” is a hymn that illustrates the love, power, and humility of Jesus Christ, offering a profound reverence for the divine Son of God. It encourages us not only to remember His earthly trials and tribulations but also to celebrate His heavenly glory. Indeed, it calls us to honor the , who through His suffering and subsequent rise, shines a path for our own spiritual journeys.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking to honor Jesus with equal praise and respect, What Equal Honors Shall We Bring offers a profound exploration of faith, highlighting the power and humility of the Lamb of God. This inspiring hymn invites reflection and celebration of Jesus, urging us to acknowledge His sacrificial love and divine glory.


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