What Have I Done To Show My Love For Him Who Died on Calvary – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on your love and devotion for Jesus with the hymn "What Have I Done To Show My Love." Explore the profound sacrifice and ultimate act of love demonstrated on Calvary.

What Have I Done To Show My Love For Him Who Died on Calvary – Hymn Lyric

The “What Have I Done To Show My ” compels us to reflect on the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the gratitude we should feel. It challenges us to examine our actions and sacrifices in response to his immense love for us. This hymn serves as a reminder to live a life that truly reflects our love for the One who died for us on .


What Have I Done To Show My Love For Him Who Died on Calvary – Hymn Lyric

What have I done to show my love
For him who died on Calvary?
His blood my ransom price has paid,
And I am saved by grace so .

He died for me, he died for me,
That cruel death on Calvary!
What have I done for God’s son,
Who died for me, who died for me?

Tho’ rich, yet for my sake made poor,
A man of sorrows he became;
While all his wealth of grace and strength
By simply asking I may claim.


What has God done to show his love?
No greater love could ever be;
For Jesus died to save my soul,
while I was yet an enemy.


What have I sacrificed for him
Who sacrificed so much for me?
O , can I take all thy gifts,
And still give nothing up for thee?


All that I have, all that I am,
I owe to Jesus – Crucified!
What have I done to show my love
For that dear Man who died for me?


Meaning of What Have I Done To Show My Love For Him Who Died on Calvary

What Have I Done To Show My Love For Him Who Died on Calvary

Love is a powerful force that can move mountains, break down barriers, and transform lives. It is a force that should not be taken lightly or overlooked. The hymn “What Have I Done To Show My Love” beautifully captures the essence of this love and prompts us to reflect on our own actions and devotion.

The hymn starts with a poignant verse that opens up a profound question: what have I done to show my love for him who died on Calvary? Calvary refers to the hill where Jesus was crucified, willingly sacrificing himself for the redemption of humanity. The theme of love and sacrifice immediately strikes a chord within our hearts and minds.

Reflecting on this question, we are reminded of the ultimate act of love – Jesus shedding his blood as the ransom for our sins. His sacrifice was the ultimate price paid for our , and it was done out of pure love and grace. This realization fills us with gratitude and compels us to seek ways to express our love in return.

The chorus of the hymn reiterates the message that Jesus died for us, emphasizing the profoundness of this act. The repetition of the line, “he died for me, he died for me” reinforces the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and drives home the fact that his death on Calvary was a personal gift to each and every one of us.

As we delve deeper into the hymn, we learn that Jesus, though rich, made himself poor for our sake. He willingly became a man of sorrows, experiencing and suffering so that we may be saved. This is a stark reminder of the lengths Jesus went to demonstrate his love for us.

The hymn also emphasizes that all the riches of grace and strength are freely available to us through Jesus. By simply asking, we can claim his abundant gifts. This verse reminds us of the boundless love and generosity of God. It shows us that we don’t have to earn his love or prove our worthiness; it is freely given to us, a gift waiting to be received.

The hymn takes a introspective turn as it shifts focus to what we have done for God’s dear son. It poses the question, what have we sacrificed for him who sacrificed so much for us? This question challenges us to assess our own actions and devotion. Have we truly reciprocated the love that has been lavished upon us? Have we made any sacrifices for God?

In a world that often prioritizes self-interest and personal gain, the hymn prompts us to examine our hearts. It urges us to question if we have taken all the gifts and blessings given to us by God, without giving anything up in return. It urges us to reevaluate our priorities and make sure that we are truly showing our love and gratitude to the One who sacrificed everything for us.

The concluding verse brings us to a of humility and surrender. It reminds us that all that we have and all that we are is owed to Jesus – crucified. We owe everything to him, and it is only right and fitting that we should show our love and appreciation in tangible ways.

In conclusion, the hymn “What Have I Done To Show My Love” invites us to reflect on our love and devotion towards Jesus. It reminds us of the immense sacrifice he made on Calvary and prompts us to examine our own actions in response. It challenges us to truly show our love through our words, deeds, and sacrifices. May this hymn serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for us to live a life that reflects our love for the One who died for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on your love and devotion for Jesus with the hymn What Have I Done To Show My Love. Explore the profound sacrifice and ultimate act of love demonstrated on Calvary.


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