When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and hope in prayer with "When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer." Discover the power of vulnerability and connecting with God in times of distress. Pour out your deepest hopes

When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

Finding Comfort and Hope in God’s Presence: “When I Pour Out My Soul in ” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses the author’s longing for God’s attention and comfort in times of distress. Through their words, we can find solace and guidance for our own spiritual journey, knowing that in prayer, we are not alone.


When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

When I pour out my Soul in Pray’r,
Do thou, O LORD, incline thine Ear;
And let my sad Cry ascend,
To thee, my only Friend:

Hide not thy Face from my Distress,
Do thy my Sorrows soon redress;
And when I call on thee,
Vouchsafe to comfort me.

My Days like scatter’d Smoke expire,
My Bones consume in constant Fire,
My is parch’d with Heat,
And I forget to eat:

By Reason of repeated Groans,
My Flesh will scarce cleave to my Bones;
Like mournful Owls, am I,
That through the Desarts cry.

I watch, and like a Sparrow mourn,
That on the House-top sits forlorn;
My Foes revile all Day,
And Snares in secret lay.

Ashes I’ve eat, oppress’d with Fears,
My Drink is mix’d with briny Tears;
Because thy Wrath doth lie,
On me, once seated high.

My Days are like an Ev’ning Shade,
And like a drooping Flow’r I fade;
But LORD, thy glorious Name,
For ever is the same:

Thou shalt disperse thy Sion’s Gloom,
For now her Days of ‘s come;
Because it the Just.
To see her laid in Dust.

The Heathen Kings his Name shall fera,
When Sion shall restor’d appear;
When him the Poor address,
And he their Pray’r shall bless:

This shall be written on Record
That those to come may praise the LORD;
That future Nations may,
His mighty Acts display.

For from his Dwelling Place,
The LORD survey’d the human Race,
That he might hear the Cry,
Of Wretches doom’d to die.

His mighty Arm did interpose,
To release them from all their Foes,
And set the Mourners free,
From long Captivity.

That thro’ glad Sion they might sing,
His Praise, who did Deliv’rance bring;
And at Jerusalem
Adore his gracious Name.

When all the Tribes assembling there,
And Kingdoms joining in the Pray’r,
To him their Vows address,
And GOD their LORD confess.

But at his Wrath my decays,
His Hand cuts short my hopeful Days;
And allmy Strength is gone,
E’er yet my Race is run;

LORD, end not thus my Years, said I,
When scarcely half have passed by;
But thou from Change secure,
Shalt evermore endure.

The Earth’s Foundations thou hast laid,
Thy Hands the lofty Heav’ns have made;
And they shall pass away,
But thou shalt ne’er decay:

They all shall like a Garment fail,
And Time shall over them prevail;
But thou shalt never waste,
Thy Years for ever last.

The Children of thy Saints shall stand,
Supported by thy pow’rful hand;
And in they Sight remain,
Whilst thou dost them sustain.


Meaning of When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer

When I Pour Out My Soul in Prayer: Finding Comfort and Hope in God’s Presence

Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to something greater than ourselves. It is a moment of vulnerability where we pour out our deepest hopes, fears, and desires to a higher power. In the hymn “When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer,” the author expresses their longing for God’s attention and comfort in times of distress. Through their heartfelt words, we can find solace and guidance for our own spiritual journey.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the importance of having God’s ear during prayer. The author pleads for God to incline His ear and listen attentively to their cry. In moments of sadness and despair, they find solace in knowing that God is their only true friend. They long for His presence and comfort, asking Him not to hide His face from their distress. The author’s cry is a genuine plea for relief, and they trust that God will soon bring healing to their sorrows.

As the hymn continues, the author vividly describes the physical and emotional toll of their anguish. They compare their days to scattered smoke, indicating the transient nature of life and the struggles they face. The constant fire consuming their bones symbolizes the internal pain they endure. This pain is so intense that they forget to eat and their heart becomes parched with heat. The author’s repeated groans and mournful cries are likened to a sad owl that echoes through desolate deserts.

The author’s suffering extends beyond physical and emotional pain. They face opposition from foes who revile them and lay secret snares. The hymn reveals the author’s vulnerability and the challenge they face in maintaining their in the face of adversity. They describe consuming ashes and drinking tears, showcasing the depths of their distress. This suffering is seen as a result of God’s wrath, which has descended upon them since they were once seated in a place of honor.

Yet, amidst the author’s lament, they find hope in God’s mercy and steadfastness. They believe that God will disperse the gloom that shrouds Sion, a place of holiness and divine favor. They express their longing for the restoration of Sion, where the poor can find solace through their prayers and receive God’s blessings. The author’s conviction about God’s acts of mercy and deliverance is to be written for future generations, ensuring that His mighty deeds are praised and celebrated.

The hymn shifts its focus to highlight God’s omniscience and His towards the wretched and downtrodden. From His holy dwelling place, God surveys the entire human race, attentive to the cries of those who are destined to die. In His might, God intervenes to release them from their foes and liberate them from captivity. He comforts and sets the mourners free, offering them a glimmer of hope amidst their suffering.

The hymn also rejoices in the prospect of returning to Sion. It envisions a time when all tribes and kingdoms come together in prayer, united by their acknowledgment of God’s lordship. This collective worship will lead to a renewed sense of purpose and a deep sense of gratitude for God’s deliverance. The author yearns for the day when Jerusalem becomes a haven of praise and adoration, where God’s gracious name is recognized and revered.

Despite the author’s plea for God to end their life prematurely, they are reminded of His eternal nature and unfading strength. The hymn emphasizes that while everything on earth, including the heavens, will eventually pass away, God remains and everlasting. His years will never be wasted, and His power and support will endure for eternity.

In the final verse, the author finds assurance that the children of God’s saints will stand firm, supported by His powerful hand. This image represents the continuous cycle of faith and divine guidance that extends from one generation to another. It reminds us that when we pour out our souls in prayer, we are not alone. God’s sustaining presence uplifts and strengthens us, ensuring that we remain rooted in His love.

“When I Pour Out My Soul in Prayer” encapsulates the universal human experience of seeking solace and guidance through prayer. It reminds us that in our moments of distress, God is always there, ready to listen and offer comfort. As we pour out our souls in prayer, we can find hope in His eternal nature and His unwavering love for us. May this hymn prompt us to deepen our own prayer life and trust in God’s enduring presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and hope in prayer with When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer. Discover the power of vulnerability and connecting with God in times of distress. Pour out your deepest hopes, fears, and desires to find solace and guidance.


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