When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hope and joy of the second coming of Jesus in the hymn "When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels." Find solace in His promise of peace and eternal reunion with Him.

When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels – Hymn Lyric

Discover the and joy of the promised Second Coming with the hymn “When Jesus Comes To All His Jewels.” This hymn paints a vivid picture of the glorious reunion between Jesus and those who have trusted in His name, filled with peace, rejoicing, and the wiping away of all tears. Through this hymn, believers are encouraged to stand firm in their faith, knowing that after the conflicts of life, lasting peace will reign.


When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus comes to gather all His jewels,
When He shall come, His own and loved to claim,
Then what rejoicing! peace beyond expressing,
For the redeemed who trusted in His name.

The ransomed host shall see their Savior,
They shall behold their master face to face;
And they who once did walk in faith beside Him,
Shall, with rejoicing, rest in His embrace.

What tho’ distressed by direst tribulation;
Look then to Christ, He’ll quiet all your fears!
What tho’ the hours were spent in silent ?
His pierced hand shall wipe away all tears!

What tho’ the dark night still be growing darker?
Yet will the shadows every one be gone!
‘Tis but the hour that must precede the glory,
Of that new day of the millennial dawn!

In the effulgence of that perfect daybreak,
When sin and sorrow shall be put to flight,
The heavy clouds that once bedimmed our vision,
Shall be rolled back, and Christ shall stand in sight.

Then Christians, up! be girding on your armor;
Grasp ye the sword, O ever hold it fast;
Christ as your captain, ne’er will let you falter;
After the conflict, peace shall reign at last!


Meaning of When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels

When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels: Rejoicing in the Promise of the Second Coming

In the beautiful hymn, “When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels,” we are reminded of the hope and joy that awaits us when our returns to claim those who have trusted in His name. The verses paint a vivid picture of the glorious reunion that will take place between the redeemed and their Savior.

The first verse sets the stage for the ultimate gathering of believers. It speaks of Jesus coming to gather His jewels, a reference to His followers who have been redeemed by His sacrifice. The language used evokes a sense of anticipation and excitement, as if we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a long-lost loved one.

The hymn then proceeds to describe the indescribable peace and rejoicing that will accompany this grand event. It speaks of the ransomed host – all those who have placed their faith in Jesus – finally seeing their blessed Savior face to face. The image of being held in His embrace and resting in His presence fills our hearts with a deep sense of comfort and security.

But what about the troubles and tribulations we face in this ? The hymn reminds us that no matter how dire our circumstances may be, we can look to Christ for solace and reassurance. He is our ever-present source of peace, capable of quieting all of our fears. Even in the midst of the darkest night, His pierced hand is there to wipe away every tear shed in silent weeping.

The hymn acknowledges that the dark night may to grow darker, but it assures us that this is only temporary. Just as the shadows must fade before the dawn of a new day, the hour of darkness will give to the glory of the millennial dawn. This is a profound message of hope and encouragement for those who may be experiencing adversity or uncertainty in their lives.

In the effulgence, or radiant brilliance, of that perfect daybreak, sin and sorrow will be vanquished. Every heavy cloud that once obscured our vision will be rolled back, and the glorious sight of Christ before us will be revealed. This vision of the future is a source of great comfort and strength for believers, as it reminds us that there is an ultimate victory awaiting us on the other side.

Buoyed by this hope, the hymn urges Christians to prepare for the battles they may face in the meantime. We are called to gird ourselves with the armor of , standing firm in our faith and holding fast to the sword of truth. For Christ is our captain, our leader who will never let us falter. And after the conflict, after enduring the trials and tribulations of life, peace shall finally reign.

“When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels” is a hymn that resonates deeply with believers of all ages. Its simple yet profound message of hope and reassurance reminds us that our present sufferings are not in vain. We can find solace in the promise of Christ’s return, knowing that a glorious reunion and everlasting peace await us in His embrace.

As we meditate on the lyrics of this hymn, let us hold fast to the hope it offers. Let us remember that no matter how dark the night may seem, the daybreak is coming. And when Jesus comes to gather all His jewels, we will rejoice in His presence, forever grateful for His love and redemption.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hope and joy of the second coming of Jesus in the hymn When Jesus Comes To Gather All His Jewels. Find solace in His promise of peace and eternal reunion with Him.


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