When Jesus Leads The Way Grows Bright – Hymn Lyric

Discover how When Jesus Leads The Way

When Jesus Leads The Way Grows Bright – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus Leads The Way, the darkness of our lives is transformed into a radiant . He becomes our beacon of hope, guiding us through uncertain and fearful moments. Even when we cannot physically see the path, we can trust in His guidance and have faith that He will lead us towards a bright future.


When Jesus Leads The Way Grows Bright – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus leads, the way grows bright,
Even though before it was darkest night;
From Him, there beams a radiance fair,
A heavenly light, a light beyond compare.

I’ll trust Him though I cannot see,
The path through which He leadeth me;
My faith in Him shall be my stay;
I am content when Jesus leads the way.

Though dark the path my feet shall tread,
And dark the be overhead,
I’ll have no fear, for at my side
There walks the Son, my faltering steps to guide.


I’ll follow Him while life shall last,
I’ll follow Him till I have passed
The golden gates of that fair
Where I shall rest with Him .


Meaning of When Jesus Leads The Way Grows Bright

When Jesus Leads the Way, the darkness of our lives is transformed into a radiant light. It may have seemed like the night would never end, but with His guidance, the path ahead becomes clear and bright.

In life, we often face moments of uncertainty and fear. We may not what lies ahead or where the path may lead, but when we trust in Jesus, He becomes our beacon of hope. Even when we cannot physically see the road that He is leading us on, we can have faith that He knows the way and will never steer us astray.

When we place our faith in Jesus, He becomes our , our support, and our refuge. No matter how daunting or dark the path may be, we can take comfort in knowing that He is by our side, guiding us every step of the way. His presence provides us with strength and reassurance, allowing us to face any challenges that come our way.

Just as the hymn says, we should have no fear, for Jesus is alongside us. He is the Son of God, and His love for us knows no bounds. His divine guidance is a gift that we should be grateful for, as it brings light to even the darkest corners of our lives.

Sometimes, the journey may be difficult. Clouds of doubt and uncertainty may obscure our vision, casting shadows upon our hearts. But when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can maintain a steadfast faith. Though we may stumble and falter at times, He is there to steady us, to guide us through the storms, and to illuminate the way.

As followers of Jesus, our commitment to Him should never waver. We should strive to follow Him throughout our lives, no matter the circumstances. For when we choose to walk in His footsteps, we are promised a future of and rest in His presence.

The idea of following Jesus is not limited to our earthly existence alone. The hymn speaks of passing through the golden gates and finding eternal rest with Him in the afterlife. This reminds us that our faith journey does not end with death but continues on into eternity. When Jesus leads the way in this life, He is also leading us towards a glorious future where we will be reunited with Him forevermore.

In conclusion, when Jesus leads the way, our lives are transformed. He brings light to the darkest night, gives us strength in our weakness, and guides us through the trials we face. We can trust in Him, even when we cannot physically see the path ahead. When we have faith in Jesus, He becomes our guiding light, our comfort, and our eternal hope. So let us follow Him, for when Jesus leads the way, the path before us grows bright.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how When Jesus Leads The Way, the darkness is transformed into radiant light. Trust in Him and follow His guidance for a bright path ahead.


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