When The Blest Day Of Pentecost – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit on the blest day of Pentecost. Discover the ongoing work of the Holy Ghost in our lives & embrace His transformative power. Yield to His influence & live out your faith with boldness. Seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

When The Blest Day Of Pentecost – Hymn Lyric



When The Blest Day Of Pentecost – Hymn Lyric

When the blessed day of Pentecost
Was fully come, the Holy Ghost
Descended from above;
Sent by the and the son,
(The sender and the sent are one)
The of life and love.

But were these first disciples blest
With heavenly gifts? And shall the rest
Be passed unheeded by?
What? Has the Holy Ghost forgot
To quicken souls that Christ has bought;
And lets them lifeless lie?

No, thou almighty Paraclete!
Thou shedd’st thy heavenly influence yet;
Thou visit’st sinners still:
Thy breath of life, thy quick’ning flame,
Thy power, thy Godhead, still the same,
We own; because we feel.


Meaning of When The Blest Day Of Pentecost

When The Blest Day of Pentecost: Celebrating the Gift of the Holy Spirit

The blest day of Pentecost is a significant event in history, marking the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus Christ. This momentous occasion is described in the hymn, “When The Blest Day Of Pentecost,” which beautifully reflects on the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. As we delve deeper into the meaning and significance of this hymn, we are reminded of the unchanging of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the arrival of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. It emphasizes that the Holy Spirit was sent by both the Father and the Son, highlighting their unity. This unity is fundamental to our understanding of the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – as three distinct persons yet one God. It is this divine unity that empowers and guides the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

As we continue to unravel the hymn’s message, the question arises: Were the first disciples the only ones to receive the heavenly gifts of the Holy Spirit? Surely not! The hymn asserts that the blessings bestowed on the early followers of Christ should not be overlooked, as though subsequent generations are excluded. The same Holy Spirit who empowered the first disciples continues to be active and at work today.

In fact, the hymn challenges the notion that the Holy Spirit has forgotten to quicken souls and bring them to life in Christ. It is a reminder that the Holy Ghost’s divine influence remains present and accessible to all who seek it. God’s grace is not limited by time or circumstance; rather, it is continually poured out to invigorate and transform hearts and minds.

Addressing the Holy Spirit as the almighty Paraclete, the hymn acknowledges the ongoing influence of the Holy Spirit. The term “Paraclete” refers to the comforter, advocate, and helper – all roles that the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. This language emphasizes the continuous presence and support of the Holy Spirit, who brings comfort in times of trouble, advocates for us before God, and assists us in out our .

The hymn portrays the Holy Spirit as the provider of heavenly influence, one who still visits sinners and quickens their souls. This divine power, often depicted as a breath of life and a quickening flame, originates from the very essence of God. It is the force that brings about spiritual awakening and transformation, revitalizing our souls and empowering us to live faithfully.

Through these powerful words, the hymn reminds us that the Holy Spirit’s power and godhead remain unchanged. Just as the first disciples experienced the mighty work of the Holy Spirit, we too can have a personal and transformative encounter with God through the Holy Spirit. The hymn encourages us to acknowledge and embrace this reality because we feel the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The significance of the hymn’s message extends beyond Pentecost; it has timeless relevance for every believer. It encourages us to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, allowing the divine influence to shape and guide our lives. The Holy Spirit’s work encompasses many aspects, including conviction of sin, leading us into truth, teaching and reminding us of Jesus’ words, and equipping us with spiritual gifts for service.

As we embrace the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are invited into a deeper relationship with God and empowered to live out our faith boldly. The Holy Spirit’s presence within us enables us to bear the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, , gentleness, and self-control. These qualities not only transform our own lives but also impact those around us, as we become instruments of God’s love and grace in the world.

In conclusion, “When The Blest Day Of Pentecost” is a powerful hymn that celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit and reminds us of the ongoing work of the Holy Ghost in our lives. It encourages us to recognize and embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides us in our Christian journey. As we yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit, we experience a deeper relationship with God and are equipped to live out our faith with boldness and integrity. May we continue to seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, allowing His transformational work to bring us closer to God and enable us to be a light to the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit on the blest day of Pentecost. Discover the ongoing work of the Holy Ghost in our lives & embrace His transformative power. Yield to His influence & live out your faith with boldness. Seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.


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