With An Everlasting Love Came The Messag – Hymn Lyric

Experience the message of everlasting love from above. Find hope

With An Everlasting Love Came The Messag – Hymn Lyric



With An Everlasting Love Came The Messag – Hymn Lyric

“With an everlasting love,” came the message from above,
“I have loved thee,” hath spoken, tell the news;
, soul, His , and forevermore rejoice
That His word cannot be broken, tell the news.

Tell the news, the glad good news,
Tell the news from shore to shore!
At the He waits for thee,
Love divine His only plea,
Tell the news, the glad good news.

Tho’ unmindful we have been, and have wander’d on in sin,
Still His voice is ever speaking, tell the news;
He, rejected o’er and o’er, still is at the door,
And the soul in mercy seeking, tell the news.


Open now to Him your heart, lest forever He depart,
Oh, accept the gracious blessing, tell the news;
“With an everlasting love,” let us each the message prove,
And with joy His name confessing, tell the news.


Meaning of With An Everlasting Love Came The Messag

With An Everlasting Love Came The Message From Above

In a world filled with negativity and despair, it is refreshing to that there is a message of love that comes from above. This message carries the assurance that we are loved deeply and unconditionally. It is a message that brings hope, joy, and comfort to our weary souls.

The hymn starts off by proclaiming that the message from above is one of everlasting love. This means that God’s love for us is not fleeting or temporary. It is a love that stands the test of time, surpassing any human understanding. Knowing that we are loved so deeply and unconditionally should fill our hearts with gratitude and awe.

Sometimes, we may feel unworthy or undeserving of such love. We may have made mistakes, wandered off the right , and neglected God’s voice. But even in our shortcomings, God’s love still reaches out to us. The hymn reminds us that His voice is ever speaking, calling us back to Him.

No matter how many times we have rejected God’s love, He still waits for us at the door. His love is not conditional on our obedience or perfection. He seeks our souls in mercy, longing for us to turn back to Him and experience the fullness of His love.

The invitation to open our hearts to God is extended to each and every one of us. We are urged to not let Him depart from our lives. It is a gracious blessing that He offers, and it is up to us to accept it. Opening our hearts to God requires vulnerability and surrender. It means acknowledging that we cannot do life on our own and that we need His love and guidance.

As we accept God’s love and allow Him into our lives, we become living testimonies of His mercy and . The hymn encourages us to not only experience His love but to also share the news with others. We are called to spread the glad good news from shore to shore, to proclaim the message of God’s everlasting love.

Imagine a world where every person knew that they were loved unconditionally. A world where every soul found comfort in the fact that God is waiting at the door, ready to embrace them with open arms. This is the world that the hymn envisions, a world where love divine is the only plea.

It is important to note that experiencing God’s love does not mean that we will never face hardships or struggles. Life is filled with ups and downs, but knowing that we are loved by God gives us strength and hope to persevere. It is a love that brings us back to our true identity and purpose.

So, let us each take hold of the message of God’s everlasting love. Let us open our hearts and accept His gracious blessing. As we do so, let us also share the good news with others. Let us be bearers of hope, joy, and love in a world that desperately needs it.

In conclusion, the hymn “With An Everlasting Love Came The Message From Above” reminds us that God’s love for us is and unchanging. It is a love that calls us back from our wanderings, waits for us at the door, and seeks our souls in mercy. As we open our hearts to this love, we are invited to spread the glad good news to others. May we each live as witnesses of God’s everlasting love, bringing hope and joy to all those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the message of everlasting love from above. Find hope, joy, and comfort in God's unconditional love that stands the test of time. Spread the glad good news to a world in need.


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