Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Looking for hope and joy in the resurrection? Discover the powerful message of "Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord" hymn and find solace in the promise of eternal life.

Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Ye Souls That Seek The Lord” is a that offers comfort and reassurance in times of difficulty. Through its powerful imagery and profound message of love, sacrifice, and triumph, it reminds us to cast aside our fears and find and joy in the resurrection of Jesus. This timeless hymn speaks to all who seek the Lord, regardless of their age or level of understanding.


Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord,
Chase all your fears ;
And bow with rapture down to see
The place where Jesus lay.

Thus low the Lord of was brought;
Such wonders love can do:
Thus cold in death that bosom lay,
Which throbbed and bled for you.

But raise your eyes, and tune your songs,
The Savior lives again:
Not all the bolts and bars of death
The Conqueror could detain.

High o’er the angelic bands He rears
His once dishonored head;
And through unnumbered years He reigns,
Who dwelt among the dead.

With joy like His shall every saint
His vacant tomb survey;
Then with His ascending Lord
To realms of endless day.


Meaning of Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord

Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord: Finding Hope and Joy in the Resurrection

In times of difficulty and uncertainty, it is natural for us to seek solace and reassurance. This hymn, “Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord,” serves as a guide to lead us away from our fears and towards a deeper understanding of the immense love and power of Jesus. Let us dive into the verses and uncover the profound messages they carry, reminding us to always hold onto hope and rejoice in the promise of resurrection.

The hymn begins by addressing those with humble souls who are actively seeking the Lord. It speaks directly to each one of us, acknowledging our fears and anxieties that often weigh heavy on our hearts. It encourages us to chase away these fears and directs our attention to the place where Jesus lay. This place of reference is none other than the tomb where Jesus, the Son of God, was laid after His crucifixion.

With poetic beauty, the hymn reminds us of the incredible power of love. It proclaims that it was love that brought the Lord of life to such a low point, willingly sacrificing Himself for the redemption of humanity. This act of selflessness demonstrates the depth of God’s love and the lengths He was to go to reconcile us to Himself.

As we contemplate the profundity of Christ’s sacrifice, we are drawn to the significance of His death. The hymn acknowledges the coldness of Christ’s body in death, reminding us that the same that beat and bled for us was momentarily silenced. This imagery allows us to grasp the tremendous price paid for our and evokes deep gratitude within us.

However, the hymn does not dwell solely on the trials of Jesus but redirects our attention toward the triumph of His resurrection. It urges us to raise our eyes and tune our songs, for the Savior lives again! The hold of death could not contain Him, as not even the most secure bolts and bars could keep the Conqueror enslaved. This triumphant declaration fills our hearts with hope, knowing that the power of the resurrection has conquered death itself.

The hymn goes on to describe the exultant scene of Jesus, triumphantly raising His once dishonored head over the angelic bands. It reminds us of the unparalleled and honor that Jesus now possesses, reigning through unnumbered years. The imagery used here emphasizes the victorious nature of Jesus’ resurrection and His eternity as the conqueror of death.

The hymn speaks to the future of every believer. It declares that, with joy akin to that of Christ Himself, every saint shall survey His vacant tomb. In this act, we join in the triumphant celebration, realizing that Jesus’ resurrection is not solely His victory but also ours as His followers. It is through His resurrection that we find new life, eternal hope, and the promise of joining Him in realms of endless day.

As we reflect on these profound words, let us remember that they were written to offer comfort, encouragement, and a sense of wonder to those who seek the Lord. Even on a 7th-grade literacy level, the hymn’s rich imagery and powerful message convey timeless truths accessible to all. No matter our age or level of understanding, we can grasp the overarching themes of love, sacrifice, and triumph present in this hymn.

In conclusion, “Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord” serves as a reminder to us all. It reminds us to cast aside our fears, to dwell on the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus, and to find our hope, joy, and purpose in the resurrection. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift those who seek the Lord, providing solace and assurance in times of uncertainty and guiding us towards eternal truths.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for hope and joy in the resurrection? Discover the powerful message of Ye Humble Souls That Seek The Lord hymn and find solace in the promise of eternal life.


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