Ye Men Of Israel Hear – Hymn Lyric
“Ye Men of Israel Hear: Understanding the Message of Salvation” explores the profound truth and grace of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The hymn highlights the power of God over life and death, emphasizing the significance of Jesus’ resurrection. It calls sinners to believe, repent, and receive the forgiveness and new life that Jesus offers as our living Lord.
Table of Contents
Ye Men Of Israel Hear – Hymn Lyric
Ye men of Israel, hear
The words of truth and grace,
Jesus did in the flesh appear
To save a sinking race;
A man of God approved,
By signs and wonders known,
Jesus, the Father‘s well-beloved,
The co-eternal Son.
The Prince of Life and Peace,
By Heav’n’s supreme decree
Delivered up, ye dared to seize,
And nail Him to the tree;
Taken by wicked hands,
And crucified and slain;
But God hath loosed the mortal bands,
And raised Him up again.
It was not possible
That death should keep his prey;
God would not leave His soul in hell,
Or let His flesh decay:
His flesh reposed in hope
Of the third joyful morn,
And then the Father raised Him up,
And God again was born.
This Jesus is restored
To life by power divine;
We all proclaim our living Lord,
And in His praises join:
We are His witnesses,
He is gone up on high,
Exalted to His native place,
He lives no more to die.
Again at God’s right hand
Our Lord is called to sit,
Till all who now His sway withstand
Are crushed beneath His feet:
Be it to Israel’s seed,
To every sinner known,
God hath performed His oath indeed,
Hath glorified His Son.
Sinners, believe He died,
And rose to buy your peace;
Jesus the Christ, the Crucified,
The Lord of Life confess;
Repent in Jesus’ name,
Believe and be forgiven,
And take the Holy Ghost ye claim,
And rise with us to Heaven.
Meaning of Ye Men Of Israel Hear
Ye Men of Israel Hear: Understanding the Message of Salvation
In the hymn “Ye Men of Israel Hear,” we are reminded of the profound truth and grace that Jesus brought into the world. It speaks of Jesus as a man of God, approved and known for His signs and wonders. We learn that Jesus is the Father’s well-beloved, and the co-eternal Son, revealing His divine nature.
The hymn then takes us through the events of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, highlighting the incredible power and love of God. It mentions how Jesus, the Prince of Life and Peace, was delivered up and nailed to the tree, dying for the sins of humanity. However, just as it was not possible for death to keep Jesus captive, God did not allow His soul to remain in hell or His body to decay. Instead, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, triumphing over sin and death.
This resurrection is of utmost significance because it demonstrates God’s power over life and death. The hymn describes how Jesus’ flesh reposed in hope of the third joyful morn, implying that Jesus had faith in God’s plan for His redemption. And just as the Father raised Him up, God also brings new life to those who believe in Jesus.
With great joy and conviction, the hymn declares that Jesus has been restored to life by divine power. It encourages all believers to proclaim Jesus as their living Lord and join in the praises of His name. As witnesses to His resurrection, we understand that Jesus has ascended to His rightful place in Heaven, never to die again.
We are assured that Jesus, now seated at God’s right hand, will one day return to judge and reign over all. Those who resist His rule will be crushed beneath His feet, while those who believe in Him will share in His victory. It is a call to the Israelite people and every sinner to recognize that God has fulfilled His promise and glorified His Son.
The hymn then speaks directly to sinners, urging them to believe in Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. By acknowledging Jesus as the Christ and the Crucified, we can obtain peace with God. It emphasizes the importance of repentance and faith in Jesus’ name for forgiveness of sins. It also encourages believers to receive the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides us on our journey of faith. With the promise of eternal life, we are invited to rise with Jesus and be united with Him in Heaven.
The message of this hymn contains vital truths that resonate throughout Scripture. It teaches us about God’s plan of salvation, the power of Jesus’ resurrection, and the call to repentance and faith. It reminds us that salvation is available to all who believe and that Jesus is the only way to find peace with God.
In conclusion, “Ye Men of Israel Hear” offers a powerful and compelling message of hope and salvation. It calls us to listen and understand the truth and grace that Jesus brings. As we reflect on the events of His crucifixion and resurrection, we are reminded of the incomparable love and power of God. This hymn encourages sinners to believe, repent, and receive the forgiveness and new life that Jesus offers. May we all heed this call and find salvation in Jesus Christ, our living Lord.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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