Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric
“Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus” is a hymn that calls upon believers to look up, sing, and rejoice. It serves as a reminder of the profound love and hope found in the gospel. It encourages believers to praise Him with anthems glorious, sing of His love victorious, and unfurl His banner over all flags. Through our songs of praise, we participate in the joyous chorus of angels and bring hope to a world in need of redemption. May we always find solace and joy in the gospel of Jesus, and may our voices forever be lifted in worship and adoration.
Table of Contents
Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Ye who believe in the gospel of Jesus, look up and sing;
Sing and rejoice, ’till the heavens are glad and the valleys ring;
Love is uplifting the races and tribes of the sinful earth;
Nations and people are praising with joy the Redeemer‘s worth.
Praise Him with anthems glorious,
Praise Him in ev’ry clime;
Sing of His love victorious,
Praise Him with strains sublime;
Sing for His banner beautiful,
Over all flags unfurled;
Sing, for His goodness and mercy are saving the world.
Ye who have faith in the grace that redeems you, extol His love;
Sing, till your voices are heard in the mansions of bliss above;
Speed a glad song thro’ the aisles of the heavens, on joyous wings,
Sing till the universe tremble with praise for the King of kings.
Out of the darkness and sin He is leading each tribe and race,
Saving, and lifting them out of their fetters, by saving grace;
Jesus is worthy of all adoration and joyous praise;
Serve Him and trust Him, oh, love and adore Him for countless days.
Meaning of Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus
Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus: Rejoice and Sing!
In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, it is essential to find solace in something greater than ourselves. For those who believe in the gospel of Jesus, there is a powerful source of hope and joy. This hymn calls upon believers to look up, sing, and rejoice, for love is uplifting all races and tribes of the sinful earth. The nations and people are praising with joy the worth of the Redeemer.
To truly understand the message of this hymn, we must first comprehend the significance of the gospel of Jesus. The gospel is the good news of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ. It is a message of hope and love that has the power to transform lives and bring about true joy. It is a source of solace in times of despair and a beacon of light in the darkest of times.
As believers, we are called to praise Him with anthems glorious and sing of His love victorious in every corner of the earth. The hymn reminds us that no matter where we are, we have the power to lift our voices in adoration and worship. Our songs have the ability to transcend borders and languages, uniting us in our shared faith and love for the Redeemer.
The hymn encourages us to sing for His banner beautiful, which is unfurled over all flags. This symbolizes the universal love and acceptance that Jesus offers to all people, regardless of their background or nationality. His love knows no boundaries and extends to every corner of the earth. It is through this love that He is saving the world and bringing hope to the hopeless.
For those who have faith in the grace that redeems, the hymn encourages us to extol His love and sing until our voices are heard in the mansions of bliss above. This reminds us that our praise and worship have the power to reach the highest heavens and resonate with the divine. It is through our joyful songs that we can express our gratitude and devotion to the King of kings.
Furthermore, the hymn urges us to speed a glad song through the aisles of the heavens on joyous wings. Our voices have the power to traverse the celestial realms and touch the hearts of angels. It is through our songs of praise that we participate in the eternal chorus of heavenly beings, worshipping and adoring our Creator.
The hymn also emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus’ love. It speaks of Him leading each tribe and race out of darkness and sin, saving and lifting them through His saving grace. This reminds us that no one is beyond redemption. Jesus’ love is all-encompassing and has the power to bring about profound change in the lives of all who believe and trust in Him.
As believers, we are called to serve, trust, love, and adore Him for countless days. We are encouraged to surrender our lives to His guidance and find solace in His unwavering love and mercy. In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, Jesus remains a steady anchor. He is the one we can rely on, no matter the circumstances.
In conclusion, “Ye Who Believe In The Gospel Of Jesus” is a hymn that calls upon believers to look up, sing, and rejoice. It serves as a reminder of the profound love and hope found in the gospel. It encourages believers to praise Him with anthems glorious, sing of His love victorious, and unfurl His banner over all flags. Through our songs of praise, we participate in the joyous chorus of angels and bring hope to a world in need of redemption. May we always find solace and joy in the gospel of Jesus, and may our voices forever be lifted in worship and adoration.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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