My Soul Bless The Lord The Lord Is Most Great – Hymn Lyric

Discover the greatness of the Lord in the hymn "My Soul

My Soul Bless The Lord The Lord Is Most Great – Hymn Lyric

The “My Soul, the ! The Lord is Most Great” reminds us of the greatness and power of . It describes how God controls the elements, cares for His creations, and provides for their needs. Through beautiful imagery, the hymn encourages us to give thanks and bless the Lord for His greatness.


My Soul Bless The Lord The Lord Is Most Great – Hymn Lyric

My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most great,
With arrayed, majestic His state;
The light is His garment, the skies are His shade,
And over the waters His courts He has laid.

He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,
The lightning and wind His mission perform;
The earth He has founded her station to keep,
And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.

O’er mountain and plain the dark waters raged;
His voice they obeyed, the floods were assuaged;
Uplifting the mountains He ordered a bound,
Forbidding the waters to cover the ground.

He causes the springs of to flow
In streams ‘mid the hills and valleys below;
Beside them with the birds greet the day.
And there the beast gather their thirst to allay.


Meaning of My Soul Bless The Lord The Lord Is Most Great

In the hymn “My Soul, Bless the Lord! The Lord is Most Great,” we are reminded of the greatness and power of the Lord. Through beautiful imagery and descriptive language, the hymn portrays God’s control over the elements and His care for His creations. Let’s explore the verses in more detail.

The first verse begins with the to bless the Lord, acknowledging His greatness. The Lord is described as being “with glory arrayed” and having a majestic state. Just as clothes define our appearance, light is the garment that adorns the Lord. His presence is so radiant that the skies themselves serve as His shade.

We learn that not only does the Lord control the skies, but He also has authority over the waters. His courts are laid over the waters, symbolizing His sovereignty and control. The second part of the verse beautifully illustrates the power of the Lord as He rides on the clouds. The stormy winds and lightning perform His bidding. It’s an awe-inspiring image that reminds us of God’s ability to control even the most ferocious elements of nature.

The second verse shifts our attention to the earth itself. We are reminded that the Lord founded and established the earth. Just as we would wrap ourselves in a protective garment, the deep waters are wrapped around the earth, providing a shield. This imagery highlights God’s care and protection for His creation.

The following lines describe how the Lord tamed the raging waters. The dark waters that once covered mountains and plains were subdued by His voice and brought under control. Furthermore, the Lord set boundaries for the waters, ensuring that they would not cover the entire earth. These verses paint a picture of a God who not only commands nature but also sets limits to maintain balance and order.

The fourth verse focuses on God’s provision for His creation. It speaks of the springs of water that flow in streams throughout the hills and valleys. These streams not only sustain but also bring joy and beauty to the surrounding environment. The imagery extends to birds singing their songs, welcoming the new day. Additionally, the beasts gather around the flowing waters to quench their thirst. Through these simple yet powerful metaphors, we see God’s attentiveness to the needs of both humans and animals.

As we reflect on the hymn, we are reminded of the magnitude and splendor of our Creator. Each verse paints a vivid picture of God’s power, authority, and care for His creation. It encourages us to give thanks and bless the Lord for His greatness.

In conclusion, the hymn “My Soul, Bless the Lord! The Lord is Most Great” beautifully expresses our awe and reverence toward God. Through its descriptive language and imagery, it reminds us of God’s sovereignty over nature and His provision for all living creatures. May this hymn inspire us to remember and appreciate the greatness of our Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the greatness of the Lord in the hymn My Soul, Bless the Lord! The Lord is Most Great. Experience His power and care for His creation.


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