Be Ye Strong In The Lord – Hymn Lyric

"Be Ye Strong In The Lord: Stand firm in your faith and conquer with God's might. Trust in His promises for ultimate victory. Firmly stand for what is right."

Be Ye Strong In The Lord – Hymn Lyric



Be Ye Strong In The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”
Firmly standing for the truth of His Word;
He shall lead you safely through the thickest of the fight,
You shall conquer in the name of the Lord!

Firmly stand for the right!
On to vict’ry at the King’s command!
For the honour of the Lord,
and the of His Word,
In the strength of the Lord firmly stand.

“Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”
Never turning from the face of the foe;
He will surely by you stand, as you battle for the right:
In the power of His might onward go! [Refrain]

“Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”
For His promises shall never, never fail;
He will hold thy right , while battling for the right,
Him shalt for evermore prevail.

Meaning of Be Ye Strong In The Lord

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, it can be difficult to stand firm in our beliefs and values. We are often tempted to go along with the crowd or compromise our principles in order to fit in. However, the “Be Ye Strong In The Lord” reminds us of the importance of staying true to our convictions and relying on the strength that comes from our faith.

The verse begins with the powerful command to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. This strength is not something that we can conjure up on our own, but rather it comes from a deep and abiding relationship with . When we rely on His strength, we are able to stand firm in the truth of His Word.

Standing for the truth of God’s Word is not always easy. There will be times when we face opposition or even persecution because of our beliefs. However, the hymn assures us that if we stand firm, God will lead us safely through the thickest of the fight. We do not have to fear or falter in the face of adversity, for we know that we shall conquer in the name of the Lord.

The refrain of the hymn further emphasizes the importance of standing for what is right. It calls us to go on to at the King’s command. It is not simply about our own honor or triumph, but rather it is about bringing honor to the Lord and witnessing the triumph of His Word. When we stand firm in our faith and principles, we become a living testimony to the power and truth of God’s Word.

The second verse of the hymn continues to encourage us to be strong in the Lord and not turn from the face of the foe. It is easy to become discouraged or weary in the face of opposition, but we are reminded that God will stand by our side as we battle for what is right. He will give us the strength we need to press on in the power of His might.

We are assured that God’s promises will never fail. He is and will hold our right hand as we battle for what is right. This image depicts God as our protector and guide, leading us through the challenges and ensuring our ultimate victory. When we trust in Him, we can be confident that we will prevail not only in the immediate battles we face, but also for all .

In conclusion, the hymn “Be Ye Strong In The Lord” reminds us of the importance of standing firm in our faith and relying on the strength that comes from our relationship with God. We are called to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, never turning from the face of the foe. When we stand for what is right and trust in God’s promises, we can have confidence that we will conquer in His name. Let us therefore firmly stand for the right, on to victory at the King’s command, for the honor of the Lord and the triumph of His Word, firmly standing in the strength of the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Be Ye Strong In The Lord: Stand firm in your faith and conquer with God's might. Trust in His promises for ultimate victory. Firmly stand for what is right.


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