Blest Spirit One With God Above – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound hymn

Blest Spirit One With God Above – Hymn Lyric



Blest Spirit One With God Above – Hymn Lyric

Blest Spirit, one with above,
Thou source of life and love,
O cheer us with sacred beams,
Refresh us with thy plenteous streams.

O may our lips thy name,
Our holy lives thy praise ,
With love divine our hearts inspire,
And fill us with thy holy fire.

O holy , holy Son,
And Holy Spirit, three in one,
Thy grace devoutly we implore,
Thy name be praised forever more.


Meaning of Blest Spirit One With God Above

The profound hymn, “Blest Spirit, One with God Above,” elucidates fundamental spiritual concepts in a way that even a 7th grader studying literacy can understand and appreciate. This hymn reaches out to the Holy Spirit and seeks His divine love and inspiration while nourishing faith and trust in a power that is beyond human understanding. Through the exploration of this hymn, we seek a deeper understanding of its meaning and relevance in our lives.

“Blest Spirit, One with God Above,” is an eloquent invocation to the Holy Spirit, which is regarded as a significant force in most Christian traditions. The Holy Spirit, alongside the Father and the Son, comprises the Holy Trinity, a central concept in Christianity.

Key to the hymn is the idea of the Holy Spirit being one with God, a source of life, and holy love. This phrase signifies the divine unity and the perfect harmony that exists in the Holy Trinity. The hymn acknowledges the Holy Spirit as the life-giving force and the foundation of holy love – love that is pure, selfless, and eternal.

The hymn continues to express a desire for the Holy Spirit’s , as suggested by the phrase, “O cheer us with thy sacred beams,” In other words, the hymn pleas for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in times, symbolized by the sacred beams of light. It also asks for rejuvenation with the Spirit’s plenty streams, yearning for spiritual nourishment and enlightenment from the fount of all

The following line, “O may our lips confess thy name,” is the poet’s eager desire for people to acknowledge and verbally confess their beliefs in the Holy Spirit. It is a call for believers to vocalize their faith, an act that reinforces the bond between the speaker and the divine.

Subsequently, “Our holy lives thy praise proclaim,” emphasizes the notion of leading a virtuous life to demonstrate and conduct the wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit. This is essentially about living the teachings of their faith and reflecting it in their daily actions and decisions.

The hymn then delves into a personal appeal for divine inspiration: “With love divine our hearts inspire,” which shows a yearning for an internal drive sparked by the unconditional love of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the author concludes the hymn by asking to be filled with holy fire. The holy fire, in this context, symbolizes spiritual passion and commitment that strengthens one’s faith.

The last verse of “Blest Spirit, One with God Above,” reverts back to the theme of the Holy Trinity, where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are referenced individually, and yet, they are one. Each part of the trinity plays a distinctive role, but altogether, they seek the same thing – humanity’s devotion and praise.

“Thy grace devoutly we implore,” conveys the notion of humbly seeking grace – a gift from God that allows humans to respond to His call to become His adoptive sons and daughters. The hymn ends by glorifying the Holy Trinity’s name, declaring that it should be praised forever more.

“Blest Spirit, One with God Above,” is a prayer as much as it is a hymn. It’s a lyrical poem that elevates the spirit and tunes the heart to the rhythm of divine love, grace, and togetherness. It embodies the essence of spiritual longing and resilience, and it stirs in us a profound awareness of the function of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Understanding it gives us the courage to seek divine guidance, confess our faith aloud, live righteous lives, and maintain spiritual fervor as we strive to glorify and praise the holy name of the Holy Trinity.

“Blest Spirit, One with God Above,” is not just a hymn, it is a testament to the power and grace that we look unto in our quest for truth, love, and enlightenment. As we aim to navigate this journey of life, this hymn helps us uphold our faith and ensure it remains unshaken despite the challenges we encounter. It emphasizes the crucial relationship between the Holy Trinity and believers, and how this relationship nurtures and sustains our spiritual growth.


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