Cometh Sunshine After Rain – Hymn Lyric

Find hope and joy in life's challenges with "Cometh Sunshine After Rain." Embrace God's love and trust His plan for brighter days ahead. Overcome sorrow and find solace in His presence. Persevere

Cometh Sunshine After Rain – Hymn Lyric

“Cometh Sunshine After Rain: Finding Hope and Joy in Life’s Challenges” reminds us that even in our darkest moments, relief will come, and our will find renewed strength and . By placing our trust in God, we can overcome trials and tribulations, knowing that brighter days are ahead. With patience, trust, and unwavering faith, we can march forward, embracing life’s storms and finding joy at the end of our journey.


Cometh Sunshine After Rain – Hymn Lyric

Cometh sunshine after rain,
After mourning joy again,
After heavy bitter grief
Dawneth surely sweet relief!

And my soul, who from her height
Sank to realms of woe and night,
Wingeth new to heav’n her flight.

Bitter have I borne,
Keen regret my hath torn,
Sorrow dimm’d my weeping eyes,
blinded me with lies;

Yet at last am I set free,
Help, protection, love, to me
Once more true companions be.

None was ever left a prey,
None was ever turn’d away,
Who had given himself to God,
And on Him had cast his load.

Who in God his hope hath placed
Shall not life in pain outwaste,
Fullest joy he yet shall taste.

Though to-day may not fulfil
All thy hopes, have patience still,
For perchance to-morrow’s sun
Sees thy happier days begun;

As God willeth march the hours,
Bringing joy at last in showers,
When whate’er we ask’d is ours.

Now as long as here I roam,
On this earth have house and ,
Shall this wondrous gleam from Thee
through all my memory.

To my God I yet will cling,
All my life the praises
That from thankful hearts outspring.

Every sorrow, every smart,
That the Eternal Father’s heart
Hath appointed me of yore,
Or hath yet for me in store,

As my life flows on, I’ll take
Calmly, gladly for His sake,
No more faithless murmurs make.

I will meet distress and pain,
I will greet e’en Death’s dark reign,
I will lay me in the grave,
With a heart still glad and brave;

Whom the Strongest doth defend,
Whom the Highest counts His friend,
Cannot perish in the end.


Meaning of Cometh Sunshine After Rain

Cometh Sunshine After Rain: Finding Hope and Joy in Life’s Challenges

In life, we often experience moments of joy and happiness, but we also face times of sorrow and grief. It is during these difficult moments that we may feel as though we are sinking into realms of darkness and despair. However, just as the sun breaks through the clouds after a storm, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. This reminds us that even in our darkest moments, relief will come, and our souls will find renewed strength and light.

Life is filled with ups and downs, and we are not immune to facing trials and tribulations. We may encounter bitter anguish, regrets that tear at our hearts, and sorrows that dim our eyes with tears. Sometimes, it may even feel as though the enemy, Satan, is trying to blind us with lies and deceit. But we must remember that these challenges are not permanent. They are merely stepping stones towards our ultimate freedom and happiness.

When we place our trust in God and cast our burdens upon Him, we will never be left helpless or abandoned. He is always there, ready to offer us His help and protection. When we surrender ourselves to God’s love, He becomes our true companion, guiding us through life’s storms and bringing us to a place of peace and joy.

It is essential to remember that we are not alone in our suffering. Countless others have faced similar trials and have found solace in their faith. By giving ourselves to God and relying on Him, we can find the strength and endurance to overcome any challenge that comes our way. We must have unwavering hope, for it is through hope that we can weather the storms and emerge on the other side, basking in the warmth of the sunlight.

Patience becomes crucial in our journey towards joy and happiness. We may not see the fulfillment of our hopes and dreams today, but we must have faith that tomorrow holds the promise of brighter days. Time marches on, and with each passing hour, we have the opportunity for our prayers to be answered and our hearts to be filled with joy. We must trust in God’s timing, knowing that His plans for us are perfect and will bring us the happiness we seek.

As we navigate through life’s challenges, it is important to cherish the moments of beauty and inspiration that come our way. We must hold onto the memories of God’s grace and love, allowing them to shine through our darkest times. These wondrous gleams of light serve as a constant reminder that we are not alone, and that God’s presence is always with us.

In gratitude for all that God has done for us, we should continue to cling to Him and sing His praises throughout our lives. Even amidst sorrow and pain, we can find solace in the understanding that every experience we endure has been appointed by our Heavenly Father. As we journey through life, let us embrace these challenges with calmness and a willingness to endure. Let us refrain from faithless murmurs and instead trust that God’s plan for us is greater than our own understanding.

Embracing distress and pain may not be easy, but it is through these trials that we find growth and transformation. Even when faced with the inevitability of death, we can approach it with a heart that remains glad and brave. For those who seek refuge in the Strongest and count the Highest as their friend, there is an assurance that they will not perish in the end. Our spirits will above the challenges of this world, finding eternal peace and joy in the presence of God.

In conclusion, the hymn “Cometh Sunshine After Rain” reminds us that life’s challenges are not insurmountable. By placing our trust in God and persevering through difficult times, we can find relief and renewed strength. Just as the sun eventually breaks through the clouds, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. We must hold onto the understanding that God’s love is constant and that He will guide us through life’s storms. With patience, trust, and unwavering faith, we can march forward, knowing that joy and happiness await us at the end of our journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find hope and joy in life's challenges with Cometh Sunshine After Rain. Embrace God's love and trust His plan for brighter days ahead. Overcome sorrow and find solace in His presence. Persevere, for relief and renewed strength await. Experience the beauty of hope after the storm.


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