God Your Glorious Presence – Hymn Lyric

Experience the awe-inspiring presence of God through the hymn "God Your Glorious Presence." Let its lyrics transport you to a sacred space of reverence and adoration. Discover the unity of worship and the blessings found in God's eternal love.

God Your Glorious Presence – Hymn Lyric



God Your Glorious Presence – Hymn Lyric

God, your glorious presence draws us to adore you,
and with awe appear before you.
In your temple all keep mystic silence,
prostrate lie with deepest reverence.
You alone, God we own,
you our God and : praise your name for ever.

In God’s glorious presence hear the harps resounding!
See the hosts the surrounding!
“Holy, holy, holy,” hear the hymn ascending,
angels, saints, their voices blending!
Bow your ear to us here:
hear, O Christ, the praises that your now raises.

Fount of every blessing, purify my spirit,
trusting only in your merit.
Like the holy angels who your splendour,
may I ceaseless worship render.
Let your will ever still rule your church terrestrial,
as the hosts celestial.


Meaning of God Your Glorious Presence

God Your Glorious Presence: A Hymn of Adoration and Reverence

In the bustling chaos of our daily lives, we often find ourselves in need of a reminder of something greater than ourselves. Something that fills us with awe and reverence, drawing us closer to the . This is exactly what the hymn “God Your Glorious Presence” seeks to achieve. Through its beautiful lyrics and enchanting melody, it transports us to a place of mystic silence, where we can humbly prostrate ourselves before the Almighty.

The hymn begins by exalting God’s presence, describing it as glorious and alluring. It calls upon all believers to adore and appear before Him with deep reverence. Picture yourself walking into a holy temple, where everyone is hushed in awe of the One who reigns within. The mere thought of this scene evokes a sense of peace and tranquility, inviting us to leave behind the noise of the world and enter a space.

As we in the presence of God, the hymn reminds us that we are not alone in gazing upon His majesty. The hosts, including angels and saints, surround His throne, singing praises and declaring His holiness. We are urged to bow our ear, to listen attentively to the hymn of adoration and join our voices with the heavenly chorus. In doing so, we become part of something greater, experiencing the unity of worship that transcends time and space.

The hymn then shifts its focus to God as the fount of every blessing. It acknowledges the need for purification, recognizing that our spirits can be tarnished by the world’s influence. But instead of relying on our own merits, we are encouraged to trust in God’s righteousness. Just like the holy angels who behold His splendor and are continually in His presence, we too should strive to render ceaseless worship.

Within the hymn’s verses lies a profound message about the unity between God’s will for His church on Earth and the celestial hosts that surround Him. It implores God to let His will reign in both realms, uniting the earthly and heavenly realms in worship and devotion. This call for unity reminds us that we are not alone in our faith journey. Instead, we are part of a great cosmic symphony of praise, where every voice, no matter how soft or loud, contributes to the grand melody being offered to the Creator.

As we reflect on this hymn, it becomes clear that it offers us more than just beautiful lyrics and soothing melodies. It reminds us of the importance of stillness and silence, allowing us to find solace in God’s presence. It emphasizes the significance of unity in worship, assuring us that we are part of a larger community of believers spanning across time and space. Most importantly, it directs our focus to God, the source of every blessing, inviting us to give thanks and praise for His infinite love and grace.

In conclusion, “God Your Glorious Presence” is a hymn that speaks to the hearts of believers, inviting them to encounter the divine in a profound and transformative way. Its lyrics encourage reverence and adoration, drawing us into a holy temple where we can experience God’s glorious presence. Through its poetic verses, we are reminded of the unity of worship that connects believers across realms, and the fount of that flow from God’s eternal love. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift all who encounter its timeless message of devotion and awe.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the awe-inspiring presence of God through the hymn God Your Glorious Presence. Let its lyrics transport you to a sacred space of reverence and adoration. Discover the unity of worship and the blessings found in God's eternal love.


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