Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience hope and joy in the arms of Christ. Sing "Hallelujah! Jesus saves me" as a powerful declaration of faith. Find redemption and love in His embrace. Join us on the journey of everlasting joy and hope.

Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

“Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me” is a hymn that reminds us of the hope and joy found in the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. Through its lyrics, we are encouraged to cast aside doubt and fear, finding rest and peace in His arms. It is an invitation to all who are searching for meaning and salvation to join us on this journey of faith. Hallelujah! Jesus saves me, and may we proclaim this message to the world.


Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

Long mine eyes were drowned in tears,
And my was filled with fears,
And I heeded not the swiftly passing years;
For thro’ many a weary day,
O’er a long and desert way
From the fold of Christ, my Shepherd, I did stray.

Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,
And my head is sweetly pillowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
His shekinah covers me and I am blest.

Now I doubt and fear no more,
All my heart with bliss runs o’er,
And I can but love Him, praise Him and adore;
Skies above me never lower,
Bright is every fleeting hour,
And I sing the day of Jesus’ mighty power.

O how precious is His !
O to to that fair place
Where our souls may drink the of His dear face!
There before His seat
All his sainted ones shall meet,
Casting down their crowns before His pierced feet.

Will you join us, brother dear,
While His voice of love and
Now is calling you hasten to His side;
Every day you wait is lost,
Sad will be the fearful cost,
If you blindly spurn at last the Crucified.


Meaning of Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me

Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me: Finding Hope and Joy in the Arms of Christ

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves burdened with tears, fears, and a sense of wandering. We become lost, straying away from the guidance and love of our Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Our hearts are heavy, and the passing years seem to hold little solace or comfort. But amidst the darkness and uncertainty, there is hope – a hope that shines brightly through the lyrics of this powerful hymn.

As we sing “Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,” we are reminded that in our deepest moments of despair, Jesus offers us salvation and redemption. Our heads can find sweet rest upon His loving breast. What a comforting thought! No matter how lost we may feel, Jesus is there to cradle us in His arms and provide the peace and security that our souls crave.

The hymn invites us to cast aside doubt and fear and allow our hearts to overflow with bliss. The joy that comes from knowing Jesus is immeasurable. It is a joy that surpasses any fleeting happiness we may find in the world. Every moment, every hour becomes radiant and bright when we remember the mighty power of Jesus. His presence in our lives brings a newfound lightness to our steps and a melody to our hearts.

The lyrics speak of the preciousness of Jesus’ grace, a grace that beckons us to come closer to Him. Our souls long for the day when we can bask in the light of His dear face. It is a to be in His presence, to fully experience the overwhelming love that emanates from Him. The promise of that day fills our hearts with anticipation and fuels our desire to live a life worthy of His .

In that glorious moment, before the shining seat of our , all of His sainted ones will gather. We will gather, not with pride or arrogance, but with humility, humbly casting down our crowns before His pierced feet. It is a beautiful image of surrender and gratitude. We recognize that everything we have, everything we owe, is because of Him. We are reminded that it is only through His sacrifice that we have been granted salvation and eternal life.

The hymn acts as an invitation to our brothers and sisters who may be hesitating to join us on this journey of faith. It is an urgent call to embrace the love and cheer that Jesus offers. Every day that is wasted, every opportunity rejected, comes at a great cost. To ignore the loving embrace of the Crucified is to turn away from everlasting joy and hope.

So, dear brother, dear friend, will you join us? Will you the voice of love and cheer that is calling out to you? Don’t wait until it is too late, for the time is now. Embrace the outstretched hand of Jesus and allow Him to lead you to a life filled with meaning, purpose, and eternal love.

In conclusion, “Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me” is more than just a hymn; it is a powerful declaration of faith. It represents the journey from despair to hope, from wandering to belonging. Through its lyrics, we are reminded of the immense love Jesus has for us and the incredible sacrifice He made on our behalf. It is an invitation to experience the joy, peace, and redemption that can only be found in His arms. So let us sing with all our hearts, “Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,” and may the world hear our joyful proclamation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience hope and joy in the arms of Christ. Sing Hallelujah! Jesus saves me as a powerful declaration of faith. Find redemption and love in His embrace. Join us on the journey of everlasting joy and hope.


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