How Lovely On The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

How Lovely On The Mountain: Bringing Hope and Salvation - Experience the beauty and power of bringing glad tidings of salvation through Zion's glorious King. Lift up your head

How Lovely On The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

How Lovely On The : Bringing Hope and Stand on a majestic mountain and imagine the beauty of nature surrounding you. But there’s something even more wonderful – the arrival of those who carry glad tidings of salvation. They hope, healing, and a message of love and grace to the captives, offering a ray of light in their darkness. Let us all join in sharing this message and become beacons of hope on the mountainside.


How Lovely On The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

How lovely on the mountain,
The feet of those who bring
Glad tidings of salvation,
Thro’ Zion’s glorious King;

Behold, of God anointed,
He comes with pow’r and might,
O regions veiled in darkness,
To pour celestial light.

Lift up thy head, O captive,
And let thy mournings cease;
The of mercy waveth
The olive branch of peace.

Lift up thy head, O captive,
For , in Christ, find,
A healing balm of comfort,
The broken heart to bind.

O every one that thirsteth
The crystal water see;
To all who will receive it,
The fount of life is free.

Let every one who heareth
Obey the gracious call;
Come, without price, or money,
The Lord has paid for all.


Meaning of How Lovely On The Mountain

How Lovely On The Mountain: Bringing Hope and Salvation

Oh, how lovely it is on the mountain! Can you imagine standing at the summit, surrounded by the beauty of nature, with a cool breeze gently caressing your face? It’s a breathtaking sight, but there’s something even more wonderful that can happen on that majestic peak – the arrival of those who carry glad tidings of salvation through Zion’s glorious King.

What does it to bring glad tidings of salvation? Well, it means spreading good news about a very special person, someone anointed by God, who comes with power and might. This person is like a ray of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day, bringing hope to regions veiled in darkness. Just imagine the and excitement that fills the air as the celestial light pours out, illuminating the hearts and minds of all who receive it!

But who are these messengers of salvation, these bringers of glad tidings? They are the ones who, with hearts full of love and compassion, step up to the task. They bring hope and healing to those who have been held captive by sorrow and despair. Like a beacon of light, they guide the lost souls towards a better tomorrow.

To all the captives out there, this message is for you: Lift up your heads and let your mournings cease! The hand of mercy is extended towards you, waving an olive branch of peace. It is a sign that your days of suffering are coming to an end. You are not alone. In Christ, you will find a healing balm of comfort, one that will gently bind your broken heart and restore your spirit.

Think about what it means to thirst for something. Maybe it’s a hot summer day, and all you can think about is a refreshing drink. Well, just as your body craves that physical refreshment, your soul longs for something more – crystal water that can quench your spiritual thirst. And guess what? That water is available to you, completely free of charge! It’s a fount of life, flowing generously for all who are willing to receive it.

Now, let me extend an invitation to every person who hears this message. It’s a gracious call, one that urges you to come and partake in the bountiful blessings that await you. And the best part? You don’t need to bring any money, for the Lord has already paid the price for all. All you need to do is open your heart and accept the love and grace that is freely offered.

So, my friends, let us be like those who bring glad tidings of salvation. Let us have a heart full of love, compassion, and hope. Let us share the good news that celestial light is available to all who seek it. Together, we can help lift up the heads of the captives and offer them the healing balm of comfort that they so desperately need.

As you go about your days, remember that you have the power to be a source of light in someone’s life. You can be the one who brings hope and salvation to those who are lost and weary. So, let us all strive to make the mountainside even lovelier, as we join hands and hearts in spreading the message of love, peace, and grace.

How lovely on the mountain it is to be a beacon of hope! May our feet be swift and our voices strong as we bring glad tidings of salvation to all who are in need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image How Lovely On The Mountain: Bringing Hope and Salvation - Experience the beauty and power of bringing glad tidings of salvation through Zion's glorious King. Lift up your head, find healing and embrace the free fount of life. Spread the love, peace, and grace from the loveliness of the mountain.


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