O Jesus Bridegroom Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Looking to find wholeness and restoration in the embrace of Jesus? Discover the heartfelt hymn "O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul" and explore its profound message of hope and faith.

O Jesus Bridegroom Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“O ! of my ” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses the author’s deep longing for spiritual healing and restoration. Through its powerful words, it emphasizes the need for redemption and the desire to be united with Jesus, the source of hope and faith. This beautiful hymn serves as a reminder of the transformative power of Jesus’ love and grace in our lives.


O Jesus Bridegroom Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul,
Make me, a broken Vessel, whole,
By that sweet Blood which on the Tree
Thou pourest out for Sin and me.

Full of Reproach, and full of Fear,
To thy blest Table I draw near.
Oh, tho’ I’m naked, sick and blind,
In Mercy, cast me not behind.

O Thou great Master of the Feast,
My King and Spouse, my Rock and Rest,
Who hast o’e Sin the Vict’ry won,
Put me the Wedding Garment on.

O Great Physician, ope my Eyes;
And heal my great Infirmities.
Wash ev’ry sinful Stain ;
And let me taste thy Grace Today.

Drive me from Darkness, Sin and Wrath
Endow me with a Living Fatih;
And mortifie my proud Self-Love:
And let thy Grace my Glory prove.

Thy Body is of Life the Bread
To Man in Sin and Sorrows dead.
Thy Blood’s the sparkling Wine of Love;
The richest in the Stores above.

Hung’ring and thirsting, lo! I come.
Oh, find me at thy Table, Room.
To me of this blest Banquet give:
And let me eat and drink, and live.

Tear from my Heart the Root of Sin:
And there let Grace and Goodness shine;
Grace to fear God, and Sin eschew;
And Goodness to give all their Due.

What Soul or Body want, supply;
Remove what’s irksome to thine Eye;
Dwell in my Heart; and let me be
In strictest Union with Thee.

Against my Soul when Earth and Hell
Shall band; or my own Heart rebel;
Subdue the Foes: My Heart subdue;
And keep me to thy Service true.

Adorn my Conversation, ,
With all the Graces of thy Word;
And, oh, prepare me all my Days,
To keep thy law, and sing thy Praise.

That when, O Gracious Prince of Life,
Thou call’st me from this World of Strive,
I may to thy blest Presence rise
And sup with Thee above the Skies.


Meaning of O Jesus Bridegroom Of My Soul

O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul: A Beautiful Hymn of Hope and Faith

In the hymn titled “O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul,” the author expresses their deep longing for spiritual healing and restoration through the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. This heartfelt hymn beautifully captures the essence of a broken vessel seeking wholeness in the embrace of their . Let us explore and delve deeper into the profound meaning behind each verse.

Verse I: O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul,

Make me, a broken Vessel, whole,

By that sweet Blood which on the Tree

Thou pourest out for Sin and me.

The opening verse sets the tone for the entire hymn, emphasizing the need for spiritual renewal and redemption. The author acknowledges their brokenness, seeking solace in the blood shed by Jesus on the cross. They understand that it is through this act of selfless sacrifice that they can find healing and restoration.

Verse II: Full of Reproach, and full of Fear,

To thy blest Table, I draw near.

Oh, though I’m naked, sick, and blind,

In Mercy, cast me not behind.

In the second verse, the author expresses their feelings of unworthiness and vulnerability. Despite their shortcomings and fears, they approach the table of the Lord, seeking His mercy and grace. They humbly ask not to be cast aside but shown compassion and understanding.

Verse III: O Thou great Master of the Feast,

My King and Spouse, my Rock and Rest,

Who hast o’e Sin the Vict’ry won,

Put me the Wedding Garment on.

Here, the author acknowledges Jesus as the great master of the feast, the ultimate source of fulfillment and . They recognize Him as their King, Spouse, rock, and rest – the one who has conquered sin. With a heartfelt plea, they ask Jesus to clothe them in the wedding garments of righteousness and acceptance.

Verse IV: O Great Physician, open my Eyes;

And heal my great Infirmities.

Wash every sinful Stain away;

And let me taste thy Grace Today.

In this verse, the author appeals to Jesus as the Great Physician, recognizing their spiritual blindness and infirmities. They earnestly ask for their eyes to be opened, seeking healing from sin and a cleansing of their soul. With a desire to experience the grace and love of Jesus, they humbly ask for a taste of His .

Verse V: Drive me from Darkness, Sin, and Wrath

Endow me with a Living Faith;

And mortify my proud Self-Love:

And let thy Grace my Glory prove.

Here, the author expresses their longing to be freed from the clutches of darkness, sin, and wrath. They seek to be empowered with a vibrant and life-giving faith that will guide them away from self-centeredness and towards God’s grace. Their ultimate desire is for God’s glory to be revealed in their life through His transformative work.

Verse VI: Thy Body is of Life the Bread

To Man in Sin and Sorrows dead.

Thy Blood’s the sparkling Wine of Love;

The richest in the Stores above.

In this verse, the author beautifully reflects on the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ body and blood. They understand that just as bread sustains life, Jesus’ body offers eternal life to those who partake in Him. Likewise, they see Jesus’ blood as the spark of love, the most precious offering from above.

Verse VII: Hungering and thirsting, lo! I come.

Oh, find me at thy Table, Room.

To me of this blessed Banquet give:

And let me eat and drink, and live.

With a deep hunger and thirst for spiritual nourishment, the author approaches Jesus, yearning to find a at His table. They long to partake in the blessed banquet, looking to be filled not just physically but also spiritually. Their ultimate desire is to fully embrace the life that Jesus offers.

Verse VIII: Tear from my Heart the Root of Sin:

And there let Grace and Goodness shine;

Grace to fear God, and Sin eschew;

And Goodness to give all their Due.

Here, the author fervently prays for deliverance from the root of sin that resides in their heart. They ask for God’s grace to shine within them, enabling them to fear God and turn away from sin. Furthermore, they desire goodness to flow from their transformed heart, leading them to give all that is due to others.

Verse IX: What Soul or Body want, supply;

Remove what’s irksome to thine Eye;

Dwell in my Heart; and let me be

In strictest Union with Thee.

The author recognizes God as their ultimate provider, appealing for both physical and spiritual needs to be met. They ask for the removal of anything that displeases God, desiring for Him to dwell in their heart and establish a deep and unbreakable union with Him.

Verse X: Against my Soul when Earth and Hell

Shall band; or my own Heart rebel;

Subdue the Foes: My Heart subdue;

And keep me to thy Service true.

In this verse, the author acknowledges the battles that await them on their spiritual journey. They anticipate the opposition from the earthly realm and the forces of darkness that may rise against their soul. With trust and reliance on Jesus, they plead for His intervention to subdue these foes and keep their heart steadfast in His service.

Verse XI: Adorn my Conversation, Lord,

With all the Graces of thy Word;

And, oh, prepare me all my Days,

To keep thy law, and sing thy Praise.

Here, the author invites Jesus to adorn their speech and conduct with the virtues found in His Word. They desire to reflect God’s grace and to be an example of His love and truth in their daily interactions. Furthermore, they ask for divine preparation to faithfully keep God’s law and proclaim His praise for all their days.

Verse XII: That when, O Gracious Prince of Life,

Thou call’st me from this World of Strive,

I may to thy blest Presence rise

And sup with Thee above the Skies.

In the final verse, the author looks to the future and the blessed hope of being in Jesus’ presence for eternity. They anticipate the day when Jesus, the gracious Prince of Life, will call them from this world of struggle and strife. With eager longing, they hope to rise and partake in a heavenly communion with their Savior.

“O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul” is a hymn filled with hope, faith, and surrender to the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Through its heartfelt words, it reminds us of our need for spiritual healing and restoration in our journey with Him. May the profound message behind this hymn resonate within our hearts, leading us to seek the embrace of our Savior and find true peace and wholeness in Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking to find wholeness and restoration in the embrace of Jesus? Discover the heartfelt hymn O Jesus! Bridegroom of my Soul and explore its profound message of hope and faith.


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