Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today – Hymn Lyric

Answer Jesus' call today and embrace forgiveness. Explore the significance of His love

Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today: Embracing Forgiveness and Finding Rest” is a hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ unconditional love and compassion. The lyrics invite sinners to turn away from their sinful ways and embrace forgiveness. Jesus patiently waits for us to accept His call, offering us joy and peace when we surrender to Him.


Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is calling thee, sinner today,
Why do you linger, why turn Him away?
Turn to Him gladly, O list to His voice
Whisper softly, “I’ll make thee rejoice.”

Calling for thee, yes, He’s calling for thee,
Waiting so patiently, calling for thee,
Long He has waited thy heart to receive,
Long He has called, called for thee.

His life a ransom He on the tree,
For thy He for thee;
He stands and knocks at the door of thy heart,
Open it quickly ere Jesus depart. [Chorus]

He longs to bless thee, to be thy dear guest,
Carry thy burdens and give thee sweet rest;
Come unto Jesus, O sinner come ,
Jesus is calling thee, why longer roam? [Chorus]    

Meaning of Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today

Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today: Embracing Forgiveness and Finding Rest

In the hymn “Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today,” we are reminded of the unconditional love and compassion Jesus has for each one of us. The lyrics beautifully express how Jesus yearns for sinners to come to Him, eagerly waiting for them to turn away from their sinful ways and embrace His forgiveness. Let us delve deeper into the ideas presented in this hymn, exploring the significance of Jesus’ call and the that await those who it.

Jesus is calling thee, sinner today. These words hold a powerful message, inviting us to reflect on our own lives and acknowledge the times when we have strayed from the path of righteousness. Regardless of our past mistakes or sins, Jesus continues to call us, never turning us away. His love knows no bounds, and He desires for us to experience the joy and peace that come from turning to Him.

Why do you linger, why turn Him away? This question encourages us to consider why we might hesitate or resist Jesus’ call. Perhaps we feel unworthy or believe that our sins are too great to be forgiven. In reality, Jesus’ love and forgiveness are boundless. He longs for us to set aside our doubts and fears, allowing Him to guide us towards a life of righteousness and fulfillment.

Turn to Him gladly, O list to His voice. The hymn reminds us that we should wholeheartedly embrace Jesus’ call, eagerly listening to His voice. In doing so, we open ourselves up to His guidance and wisdom. Jesus wants to lead us on a path that is filled with purpose and meaning, helping us navigate the trials and tribulations of life.

Whisper softly, “I’ll make thee rejoice.” The lyrics beautifully capture Jesus’ promise to bring joy to our lives. By accepting His call, we are welcoming His transformative power. Jesus offers us the gift of salvation, sacrificing His own life on the cross. It is through His grace that we find , and in turn, experience the truest form of joy.

Jesus is calling for thee, waiting so patiently. These words emphasize Jesus’ patience and unwavering love. Despite our hesitations and resistance, He patiently waits for us to open our hearts to Him. Jesus understands that change takes time, and He is willing to walk alongside us every step of the way, until we are ready to fully surrender to Him.

Long He has waited thy heart to receive. The hymn highlights the enduring nature of Jesus’ call. His love and desire for a relationship with us have been present from the very beginning. His patience reflects His deep understanding of our fears, doubts, and weaknesses. Jesus waits to receive our hearts, ready to fill them with His unconditional love and forgiveness.

Long He has called, called for thee. Through repetition, the hymn emphasizes Jesus’ unending, persistent call. It serves as a reminder that Jesus never gives up on us. He continuously extends His hand to us, for us to grasp it and experience the transformative power of His love.

His life a ransom, He gave on the tree. The lyrics bring attention to the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice. He willingly gave His life on the cross to redeem us from the consequences of our sins. Jesus’ serves as a reminder that no is too great for His forgiveness and that His love knows no bounds.

For thy salvation, He suffered for thee. The hymn poignantly portrays Jesus’ suffering as a means to our salvation. Jesus endured unimaginable pain and suffering so that we could find redemption and eternal life. His sacrifice demonstrates the depth of His love and the lengths He is willing to go to save us.

He stands and knocks at the door of thy heart. Jesus’ call is personal and intimate. He stands at the door of our hearts, patiently awaiting our response. It is up to us to open that door and invite Him into our lives. Jesus seeks a genuine relationship with us, desiring to fill our lives with His love, grace, and peace.

Open it quickly ere Jesus depart. The hymn conveys a sense of urgency, urging us to respond to Jesus’ call without delay. We are encouraged to open our hearts to Him swiftly, acknowledging the transient nature of earthly life and the importance of embracing His love and forgiveness while we still have the opportunity.

He longs to bless thee, to be thy dear guest. Jesus’ desire to bless us and be our honored guest is a testament to His unconditional love. When we accept His call, we invite Him into our hearts, allowing Him to transform us from the inside out. Jesus longs to offer us abundant blessings, to lighten our burdens, and to grant us true rest.

Carry thy burdens and give thee sweet rest. Jesus offers us relief from the burdens of life, promising to carry them for us. In Him, we find a source of strength and comfort, a place of solace and peace. By surrendering our worries and fears to Him, we can experience a deep and abiding rest that only Jesus can provide.

Come unto Jesus, O sinner come home. The hymn extends a heartfelt invitation to all sinners to return to Jesus, to come home to the love and forgiveness that He freely offers. It encourages us to let go of our past mistakes, shortcomings, and regrets, and instead turn towards the embrace of Jesus’ unfailing love.

Jesus is calling thee, why longer roam? The hymn concludes with a final appeal to heed Jesus’ call. It urges us to reconsider why we might continue to roam aimlessly, searching for fulfillment and purpose in all the wrong places. Jesus is the answer we have been longing for, the source of true joy, peace, and purpose.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let us remember that Jesus is indeed calling each one of us. It is up to us to respond to His call, to open our hearts, and to embrace the forgiveness and rest that He offers. Jesus’ love knows no bounds, and His patience is everlasting. May we answer His call with gratitude and surrender, allowing Him to transform our lives and lead us towards a deeper relationship with Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer Jesus' call today and embrace forgiveness. Explore the significance of His love, patience, and sacrifice in the hymn Jesus Is Calling Thee Sinner Today.


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