Jesus Is The Only Fountain – Hymn Lyric

Discover the only fountain that offers everlasting life. Find joy

Jesus Is The Only Fountain – Hymn Lyric



Jesus Is The Only Fountain – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is the only fountain
Of the life that cannot end;
You must perish!–cease forever!
If you make not him your friend.

Of life Christ is the giver,
Sound out these to earth’s farthest shore;
“Length of days for ever and ever,”
“Equal to the angels,” to die no more!

As a father pities,
So does in whom we trust;
For he knows our frame’s frail tenure,
And remembers we are dust. [Refrain]

“Swifter than a weaver’s shuttle,”
Pass thy days in rapid flight;
Hast thou faced the solemn question,
“Have I hope beyond death’s night?” [Refrain]

Soon thy days will all be numbered,
Haste to seek the life beyond!
Endless as th’ eternal ages,
To God’s message now respond! [Refrain]

See the vapor, quickly passing,
Or the dew, at early !
These the symbols of life’s measure,
Thou wast only mortal born.

Meaning of Jesus Is The Only Fountain

In a world filled with countless options and choices, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused about what truly matters. We often find ourselves seeking happiness and fulfillment in material possessions, success, or relationships, only to be left feeling empty and unsatisfied. But amidst all the noise and distractions, there is a fountain that offers a different kind of life – a life that cannot end.

This fountain is Jesus. He alone holds the key to an existence, one that is filled with joy, peace, and purpose. Without Him, we are doomed to perish, to cease forever. But by making Jesus our friend, by accepting Him into our hearts and lives, we gain access to a life that goes beyond the confines of this earthly realm.

It’s important for us to understand that Jesus is not just some distant deity, but a and compassionate father who pities his children. He knows our weaknesses and frailties, and yet He still chooses to extend His grace and love towards us. In a world where trust can be hard to come by, we can fully rely on God, knowing that He will never let us down.

Life, however, is fleeting. Like a weaver’s shuttle, our days pass by swiftly. Yet, in the midst of this rapid flight, we must take the time to pause and reflect on the most important question of all – do we have hope beyond death’s night? In other words, do we have faith in Jesus and the promise of eternal life that He offers?

The urgency of this question cannot be understated. Our days are numbered, and there is no time to waste. We must diligently seek the life that lies beyond the grave, for it is in that realm that true fulfillment and purpose are found. Just as the eternal ages stretch on endlessly, so too does the invitation from God to respond to His message of .

Sometimes, the brevity of life can be seen in the simplest of things – a passing vapor or the dew on an early . These fleeting symbols remind us that our existence on this earth is temporary. We were not meant to live forever in this mortal body. Our true home lies in the heavenly , where Jesus awaits to welcome us with open arms.

So, let us proclaim to the furthest corners of the earth the tidings of eternal life that Christ offers. Let us share the hope and joy that comes from knowing Him, from being equal to the angels, and from dying no more. This message is not meant to be kept hidden, but to be shouted from the mountaintops and shared with all who will listen.

In conclusion, Jesus is the only fountain that offers us the gift of everlasting life. In a world that constantly bombards us with temporary pleasures and distractions, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But when we make Jesus our friend, when we accept Him into our hearts, we gain access to a life that transcends time and fills us with abundant joy and purpose.

So, let us not delay. Let us respond to God’s message and seek the life that lies beyond. Let us trust in His love and provision, knowing that He pities us like a father pities his children. And let us remember that this life is but a fleeting moment, a passing vapor, compared to the eternity that awaits us in the arms of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the only fountain that offers everlasting life. Find joy, purpose, and fulfillment in Jesus. Trust His love and don't delay seeking eternal life beyond this fleeting existence.


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