Jesus Is The Way The Way That Leads To God – Hymn Lyric

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Jesus Is The Way The Way That Leads To God – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is The Way: Finding the Path to God “Jesus Is The Way, The Way That Leads To God” is a hymn that reminds us of Jesus ‘s role as our ultimate guide in life. By following his teachings and establishing a personal relationship with him, we can experience true peace, love, and eternal life. Jesus offers us a path that leads us to a deeper connection with God and a sense of inner fulfillment.


Jesus Is The Way The Way That Leads To God – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is the Way, the way that leads to God.
If we follow in his footsteps the path that he has trod,
He will lead us in the way of peace and love,
And safely us to him in our home prepared above.

Oh, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
He bids us to him and rest;
He bides us share with him, free from and strife,
A in the Land of the Blest.

Jesus is the Truth, the truth that makes us free;
Free from sickness, sin and sorrow, thro’ all eternity,
He will guide us safely in the narrow way,
And keep us on our journey to the land of endless day.

Jesus is the Life, eternal life he gives;
His spirit bears us witness that our lives;
If we love and serve him in this of woe,
He’ll keep us by his grace and love to conquer every foe.


Meaning of Jesus Is The Way The Way That Leads To God

Jesus Is The Way: Finding the Path to God

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for guidance and purpose. We seek a path that leads us to a greater understanding, a deeper connection, and a sense of inner peace. The hymn “Jesus Is The Way, The Way That Leads To God” reminds us that Jesus Christ is the ultimate guide in this quest.

The first verse of the hymn affirms that Jesus is the way that leads to God. Just as we follow in his footsteps, we are shown the path that he has trod. By emulating his teachings and example, we can experience true peace and love. In a world often marked by chaos and division, Jesus offers us a way to find unity and harmony.

The refrain echoes this sentiment by stating that Jesus is not only the Way, but also the Truth and the Life. He invites us to come to him and find rest. This rest is not just physical, but also spiritual and emotional. Jesus promises to share with us a hope in the Land of the Blest, a place of eternal joy and fulfillment.

The second verse of the hymn emphasizes that Jesus is the Truth. In a world filled with deception and falsehood, Jesus offers us a liberating truth that sets us free from sickness, sin, and sorrow. He guides us safely in the narrow way, showing us the right path to take. In our journey towards God, Jesus serves as our compass, directing us away from distractions and towards the .

The third verse reminds us that Jesus is the Life, and it is through him that we can experience eternal life. The spirit of Christ within us bears witness to the fact that our risen Savior lives. When we love and serve him in this world of woe, he keeps us by his grace and love, enabling us to conquer every foe. With Jesus by our side, we can overcome any challenge or obstacle that comes our way.

Reflecting on these verses, we are reminded of the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus. It is not enough to simply know about him or acknowledge his existence. Jesus desires a deep and intimate connection with us. He longs to be an active presence in our lives, guiding and comforting us every step of the way.

Finding the way that leads to God is not always easy. We may encounter doubts, uncertainties, and temptations along the journey. However, by placing our trust in Jesus, we can be assured that we are on the right path. He is our steadfast companion, always ready to offer a helping and a word of encouragement.

As we navigate through life, we can find solace in the truth that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He invites us to walk with him, to follow his example, and to experience the abundant life he offers. In a world that often leaves us feeling lost and confused, Jesus is the ultimate guide who leads us to the eternal joy and fulfillment found in a relationship with God.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is The Way, The Way That Leads To God” eloquently expresses the profound truth that Jesus is the ultimate guide and companion in our journey towards God. By following in his footsteps, embracing his teachings, and establishing a personal relationship with him, we can find the path that leads to true peace, love, and eternal life. May we always remember that Jesus is the way that leads to God, and may we continue to seek and walk on this transformative and fulfilling path.


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