The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hope and everlasting life in the hymn "The Fires of the Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last." Explore the eternal existence of souls despite the end of celestial bodies. Find comfort in the promise of continuous progression and divine grace. The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last.

The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last – Hymn Lyric

In the “The Fires of the Sun Be Quenched At Last,” the author conveys a message of and life. The verses speak of the eventual end of the sun’s fires and stars, but highlight the eternal existence of the souls of the ransomed. This hymn offers reassurance that our souls will endure, even when the physical world changes and comes to an end.


The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last – Hymn Lyric

The fires of the sun shall be quenched at last,
And the steadfast stars be gone;
But souls of the ransomed shall live in strength,
And they still shall be on.

Going on, going on,
They still shall be going on;
Forever and aye, through eternal day,
They still shall be going on.

As souls that remember and feel and thrill,
We shall live when seas are dry;
As separate beings, to love and will,
We shall live, nevermore to die.

Going on, going on,
We still shall be going on;
Forever and aye, through eternal day,
We still shall be going on.

From glory to glory our path shall be,
And from to perfect grace;
Through all the wide years of eternity,
We shall look on our dear Lord’s face.

Going on, going on,
We still shall be going on;
Forever and aye, through eternal day,
We still shall be going on.


Meaning of The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last

In the hymn titled “The Fires of the Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last,” the author brings a message of hope and everlasting life. The verses speak of the eventual end of the sun’s fires and the stars, but also highlight the eternal existence of the souls of the ransomed.

The hymn starts by painting a picture of the sun’s fires being quenched and the steadfast stars ceasing to exist. These lines evoke a sense of cosmic transformation and the transience of physical elements. However, amidst this imagery of change, the refrain declares that the souls of the ransomed shall keep going on. This hopeful refrain reassures us that even when the familiar celestial bodies disappear, the souls will endure.

The refrain repeats the phrase “going on” several times, conveying a sense of continuous movement and progression. It reminds us that our souls have the capacity to live on with strength, even in the face of overwhelming changes in the physical world. This idea instills a comforting feeling that our existence transcends the boundaries of time and space.

The hymn highlights the profound nature of the human , describing souls that remember, feel, and thrill. This description emphasizes the richness and depth of our experiences as separate beings. It suggests that our souls possess a sense of individuality and the capacity for love and will, even beyond the confines of earthly life.

The second verse reinforces the notion that our souls are not bound by the limitations of mortality. It presents the idea that we shall live even when seas are dry. This poetic image suggests that despite the vast changes in the natural world, our souls will persevere. It speaks to the everlasting nature of our existence, untouched by the passage of time.

The refrain is repeated again, emphasizing the eternal nature of our journey. The hymn affirms that from glory to glory, our path shall be, and from grace to perfect grace. These words speak to the idea that our souls have the potential to continuously grow and evolve throughout eternity. It presents a vision of an eternal existence characterized by progress and the constant presence of divine grace.

The hymn concludes by expressing the ultimate reward for our souls’ journey: looking upon our dear Lord’s face. This phrase conveys a sense of divine encounter and the fulfillment of our deepest desires. It suggests that in the endless expanse of eternity, we will be forever in the presence of the Divine, finding eternal joy and fulfillment.

In summary, the hymn “The Fires of the Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last” offers a message of hope and reassurance. It reminds us that although the physical world may change and eventually to an end, our souls will endure. It speaks to the eternal nature of our existence and our capacity for growth and connection with the divine. Through its verses and refrain, this hymn instills a sense of comfort, reminding us that we are part of something greater and that our journey is everlasting.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hope and everlasting life in the hymn The Fires of the Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last. Explore the eternal existence of souls despite the end of celestial bodies. Find comfort in the promise of continuous progression and divine grace. The Fires Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last.


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