Jesus Thou My Dearest Brother – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and support in Jesus

Jesus Thou My Dearest Brother – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Jesus! , my dearest Brother,” the speaker expresses their deep love and reliance on Jesus as a close companion, anchor, mast, and rudder in their . They acknowledge Jesus as their truest bosom , who has been chosen for them even before their birth. The speaker longs for genuine friendships like that of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of loyalty, honesty, and compassion in their relationships.


Jesus Thou My Dearest Brother – Hymn Lyric

Jesus! Thou, my dearest Brother,
Who dost well to me intend,
Thou mine Anchor, Mast, and Rudder,
And my truest Bosom-Friend.

To Thee, was earth or heaven,
Had the race of man been given;
Thou, e’en me, guest of earth,
Chosen hadst before my birth.

Thou art free from guile, Lord! ever
Innocent of all that’s base;
But on this sad earth whenever
I in meditation gaze,

There I find deception living;
Who excelleth in deceiving,
Who the best dissemble can,
He’s the best and wisest man.

Hollow and unfaithful ever
Is the friendship of the earth;
Seemeth she a man to favour?
‘Tis but for the gold he’s worth;

Are we prosp’rous, do we flourish?
She will smile on us, and nourish;
Doth misfortune o’er us low’r?
She forsakes us in that hour.

Drive away from me, and shield me
From such instability;
If I, Father, have defil’d me
(For I also human be)

With this mire, and did I ever
Falsehood love, oh! now deliver.
All my guilt I own to Thee,
Patience give, and to me!

May I ne’er be overtaken
By the evils Thou hast said
Come on those who’ve truth forsaken,
And with wares deceptive trade;

For Thou sayest Thou disownest,
As abomination shunnest,
Ev’ry hypocrite’s false mood,
Who talks, but doth not the good.

May my be constant ever,
Faithful still to every friend;
When to grief Thou dost deliver
Them, and ‘neath the cross they bend,

May I even then ne’er shun them,
But like unto Thee, Lord, own them,
Who, when we were poor and bare,
Tended’st us with fondest care.

After Thy will, Saviour, give me
One in whom I may confide,
Who will faithful counsel give me
When my heart is sorely tried;

To whom I may freely utter
All I feel, with nought to fetter,
In the measure I may need,
‘Till my heart from care is freed.

Oh! let David’s bliss betide me,
Give to me a Jonathan
Who will come and stand beside me
Like a rock, though every man

From my company should sever,
Who his heart will give me ever,
Who’ll stand firm in every hour,
When sun shines or tempests low’r.

Out of all the men who’re living,
Choose me a friend,
Who to Thee is firmly cleaving,
On Thine arm doth aye depend;

Who may by Thy will relieve me,
Help and comfort ever give me,
Help, from sympathizing heart,
Comfort, when I feel grief’s smart.

When ’tis only the mouth loveth,
Then the love is ill ‘d;
Whose love but to good words moveth
While he keeps a hateful mood,

Whom self-interest rules ever,
Who when honey falls, stays never,
But escapeth speedily,-
Ever far be such from me!

In my weakness and my sinning,
Move my friend to speak to me,
By his words of kindness winning,
Never as an enemy.

Who reproves in love and sadness
Is like him, in days of gladness,
Who pours balsam over me
That by Jordan floweth free.

Riches great were I possessing,
Priceless were my property;
Jesus! did Thy hand such blessing
Graciously bestow on me,

Were such friend, Lord! ever near me,
By His constancy to cheer me;
Who doth honour Thee, and fear
He hath such a treasure near.

Good friends like to staves are ever,
Whereon men lean as they go,
That the weak one can deliver,
When he slides and lieth low:

Sad his case who such ne’er knoweth,
Who through life all friendless goeth,
Weary is his lonely way,
When he falls, to help who stay?

Gracious Saviour! let it please Thee,
Be my Friend in every hour,
Be my Friend, till death release me,
Be my faithful Staff of pow’r!

When Thou to Thyself wilt bind me,
Then a heart Thou soon wilt find me,
By Thy Holy fir’d
With good thoughts to me inspir’d.


Meaning of Jesus Thou My Dearest Brother

In the hymn “Jesus! Thou, my dearest Brother,” the speaker expresses their deep love and reliance on Jesus as a close companion, anchor, mast, and rudder in their life. They acknowledge Jesus as their truest bosom friend, who has been chosen for them even before their birth.

The speaker praises Jesus for being free from guile and innocent of all that is base. They contrast Jesus’s purity with the deception and falsehood they find in the world. They recognize that those who excel in deception are often seen as the wisest and best in society. However, they understand that true wisdom lies in being free from hypocrisy and deceit.

The speaker longs to be shielded from the instability and unfaithfulness of worldly friendships. They ask for forgiveness if they have ever been led astray by the allure of deception and falsehood. They humbly confess their guilt and seek patience and grace from Jesus.

They desire to remain constant and faithful to their friends, even in times of grief and hardship. They ask for the strength to stand by their loved ones just as Jesus stood by them when they were poor and bare. They want to be a loyal and supportive companion, offering comfort and help to those in need.

The speaker hopes for a friend like Jonathan to come into their life, someone who will faithfully counsel them during difficult times. They desire a friend with whom they can freely share their feelings and concerns, someone who will listen without judgment and help alleviate their cares.

They emphasize the importance of genuine love, not simply love expressed through words. They seek a friend whose love is not driven by self-interest but is rooted in compassion and sincerity. They want a friend who will remain by their side in both good and bad times.

The hymn also highlights the importance of having friends in general. The speaker describes good friends as staves that support and uplift us when we are weak or stumble. They express sympathy for those who go through life without the companionship of true friends, acknowledging the weariness of their lonely journey.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus! Thou, my dearest Brother” emphasizes the deep love and reliance on Jesus as a faithful friend. The speaker longs for a friend who embodies the qualities of loyalty, honesty, and compassion. They recognize the value of genuine friendships and the support they provide in times of need. Ultimately, they seek to emulate Jesus in their own relationships, offering love, understanding, and support to those around them.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and support in Jesus, your true friend. Discover the importance of genuine friendships and the qualities to seek in a companion. Trust in Jesus as your anchor and rudder in life.


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