Jesus Went Upon The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of prayer in Jesus' life with "Jesus Went Upon The Mountain." From His birth to the cross

Jesus Went Upon The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Went Upon The Mountain” beautifully highlights the power and significance of prayer in Jesus’ life. From seeking communion with to praying for forgiveness on the cross, Jesus consistently relied on prayer throughout His journey. By emulating His example and making prayer a daily habit, we too can experience the transformative impact of prayer in our own lives.


Jesus Went Upon The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Jesus went upon the mountain that He might commune with God,
He prayed, He prayed,
On the hills of old Judea which my blessed trod,
He prayed, He prayed.

He prayed, He prayed;
Jesus prayed the ev’ry day,
From the manger to the cross;
Not a moment’s time was lost,
Jesus prayed onto the Father all the .

Verse 2:
Out upon the rolling when the storm His vessel tossed,
He prayed, He prayed;
Then the winds and waves obeyed Him and He safely went across,
He prayed, He prayed.


Verse 3:
All alone while in the garden where He sweat great drops as blood,
He prayed, He prayed;
Not my will but Thine be done, my Father, was His pray’r to God,
He prayed, He prayed.


Verse 4:
When upon the cross of Calv’ry in His agony and pain,
He prayed, He prayed;
That the Father might forgive them whom the Son of God had ,
He prayed, He prayed.


Meaning of Jesus Went Upon The Mountain

Jesus Went Upon The Mountain: The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool that Jesus Himself utilized during His time on Earth. The hymn “Jesus Went Upon The Mountain” beautifully highlights the significance of prayer in Jesus’ life and the impact it had on Him and those around Him. From the moment He was born in a humble manger to His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, Jesus consistently sought guidance and communion with God through prayer.

In the opening verse of the hymn, we are reminded that Jesus went upon the mountain to commune with God. This act represents His desire for a deeper connection and understanding of His Father’s will. Just as Jesus sought solace on the hills of old Judea, we too can find peace and clarity through prayer. No matter our age or circumstances, there is always an opportunity to communicate with God and seek His guidance.

The refrain emphasizes the frequency and consistency of Jesus’ prayer. It states, “Jesus prayed unto the Father every day, from the manger to the cross; not a moment’s time was lost.” This demonstrates the integral role that prayer played in Jesus’ life. He recognized the importance of maintaining an ongoing conversation with God. Similarly, we can learn from Jesus’ example and strive to make prayer a daily habit.

The hymn continues to recount instances where Jesus’ prayers had a profound impact. It mentions the calming of the storm, where Jesus prayed and the winds and waves obeyed Him, allowing Him to safely cross the rolling waters. This miracle reflects the power of Jesus’ faith and the influence it had over the natural elements. It serves as a reminder that our prayers can also bring peace and restoration to the storms in our own lives.

One of the most significant moments of prayer in Jesus’ life occurred in the garden of Gethsemane. Here, He prayed fervently as He faced the weight of His impending sacrifice. “Not my will but Thine be done, my Father,” were His words of . This prayer exemplifies the depth of Jesus’ trust and submission to God’s plan. It reminds us that, in times of uncertainty or hardship, we can draw strength from seeking God’s will and relinquishing our own desires.

The hymn concludes by highlighting Jesus’ prayer on the cross of . Even in His agony and pain, Jesus prayed for forgiveness for those who crucified Him. This act of forgiveness and grace showcases the unconditional love that Jesus had for humanity. It serves as a reminder that prayer has the power to transform hearts, bring about reconciliation, and strengthen relationships.

As we reflect on the hymn “Jesus Went Upon The Mountain,” we are encouraged to follow Jesus’ example of prayer. Just as He sought communion with God in every aspect of His life, we too can cultivate a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father through prayer. We can find solace, guidance, and strength by emulating Jesus’ dedication to prayer.

Prayer is not limited to specific locations or times; it is a constant invitation to commune with God. Whether on a mountaintop or in the privacy of our homes, prayer allows us to connect with the Creator of the universe. It is a privilege and a gift that we should cherish and utilize.

In conclusion, “Jesus Went Upon The Mountain” reminds us of the power of prayer in Jesus’ life and encourages us to incorporate prayer into our own lives. By following Jesus’ example and making prayer a daily habit, we can experience the transformative impact it can have in our relationship with God and in the world around us. Let us approach prayer with humility, faith, and a sincere desire to align our hearts with God’s will, just as Jesus did.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of prayer in Jesus' life with Jesus Went Upon The Mountain. From His birth to the cross, prayer shaped His journey. Emulate His example and strengthen your relationship with God through prayer.


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