My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unwavering devotion and transformative power of fixing your heart on Jesus. Find hope

My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus: Finding Hope and Comfort in His Love” is a that highlights the writer’s unwavering devotion and trust in Jesus. They express gratitude for His transformative love, which redeemed them from sin and brought rest. This hymn serves as a source of inspiration for those seeking solace and purpose in their faith , emphasizing the importance of fixing one’s heart on Jesus.


My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

My heart is fixed on Jesus,
the sun of all my tho’t;
What wondrous work of grace
His love within my hath wrought!
He found me and helpless,
by ev’ry sin oppressed,
And died that I might be redeemed,
and have eternal rest.

My heart is fixed on Jesus,
No other hope have I;
I could not live without Him,
And without Him dare not die.

My heart is fixed on Jesus,
without Him life is vain;
His promise is thro’ all my days
to comfort and sustain;
I love to hear Him whisper
“Be not afraid’tis I!’
As o’er the stormy sea I sail
beneath a clouded sky. [Refrain]

My heart is fixed on Jesus,
since I to Him belong,
For every day He gives me hope,
for every night a ;
Thro trial and deep
His promises are sweet,
And, sheltered ‘neath His wings of love
I find a safe retreat. [Refrain]    

Meaning of My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus

My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus: Finding Hope and Comfort in His Love

In this hymn, the writer expresses their unwavering devotion and trust in Jesus, whom they describe as the “sun of all my tho’t” or the center of their thoughts. They acknowledge the incredible work of grace that Jesus’s love has done within their soul, transforming them from a state of helplessness and being burdened by sin to a place of redemption and eternal rest.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the firmness of the writer’s heart in its attachment to Jesus. They proclaim that Jesus is their only hope, the one without whom they could not live, and the one they dare not face death without. This displays a deep and profound dependence on Jesus for guidance, strength, and eternal .

Without Jesus, life is described as empty and meaningless. The writer finds solace in Jesus’s promise to be with them always, to provide comfort and sustenance throughout their days. They take joy in hearing Jesus’s reassuring whispers, knowing that He is present and watching over them, even in the midst of life’s storms and challenges.

The hymn further emphasizes the writer’s belongingness to Jesus. They express gratitude for His daily provision of hope and their ability to find a song in every night, symbolizing their continuous and thanksgiving to Him. Through trials and difficult times, they find reassurance and in Jesus’s promises. They feel protected and sheltered under His wings of love, finding a secure retreat in His embrace.

This hymn carries a message of unwavering faith and trust in Jesus. It highlights the transformative power of His love and the comfort and strength that can be found in Him. By fixing their hearts on Jesus, the writer finds purpose, meaning, and eternal security.

Throughout history, countless individuals have found solace and inspiration in this message. In times of uncertainty, turmoil, or personal struggles, turning to Jesus and fixing one’s heart on Him can serve as a guiding light and a source of hope. It offers the reassurance that no matter what challenges one may face, Jesus’s love and promises remain steadfast.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the concept of fixing one’s heart on Jesus, it refers to the intentional act of placing Him at the center of one’s life. It means prioritizing Him above all else, seeking His guidance, and surrendering to His will. By doing so, individuals can experience the transformative power of Jesus’s love and find comfort, peace, and purpose in their daily lives.

The hymn also serves as a reminder that Jesus is not only a figure from the past but a living and present companion. Through His whispers, He offers reassurance and peace, reminding us that we are never alone. This encourages individuals to persevere in their faith journey, knowing that Jesus walks beside them through every trial and triumph.

In conclusion, “My Heart Is Fixed On Jesus” is a hymn that reflects the unwavering devotion, trust, and dependence of the writer on Jesus. It demonstrates the transformative power of His love, the comfort and sustenance He provides, and the safe retreat He offers amidst life’s challenges. This hymn serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for those seeking hope and comfort in their faith journey. By fixing our hearts on Jesus, we can find purpose, meaning, and eternal security, experiencing His love and guidance in every aspect of our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unwavering devotion and transformative power of fixing your heart on Jesus. Find hope, comfort, and eternal security in His love.


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