My Soul With Long Expectance Faints – Hymn Lyric
The speaker in the hymn “My Soul With Long Expectance Faints” expresses their longing for God’s saving grace despite facing challenges. They place their confidence in God’s unwavering word and continue to uphold His statutes, even in the midst of affliction. Through perseverance and faith, the speaker finds strength to endure and seek God’s guidance in all aspects of their life.
Table of Contents
My Soul With Long Expectance Faints – Hymn Lyric
My soul with long expectance faints
To see thy saving grace;
Yet still on thy unerring word
My confidence I place.
My very eyes consume and fail
With waiting for thy word;
O! when wilt thou thy kind relief
And promis’d aid afford!
My skin like shrivel’d parchment shows
That long in smoke is set;
Yet no affliction me can force
Thy statutes to forget.
How many days must I endure
Of sorrow and distress?
When wilt thou judgment execute
On them who me oppress?
The proud have digg’d a pit for me,
That have no other foes,
But such as are averse to thee,
And thy just laws oppose.
With sacred truth’s eternal laws
All thy commands agree;
Men persecute me without cause;
Thou, Lord, my helper be.
With close designs against my life
They had almost prevail‘d;
But in obedience to thy will,
My duty never fail’d.
Thy wonted kindness, Lord, restore,
My drooping heart to cheer;
That by thy righteous statutes I
My life’s whole course may steer.
Meaning of My Soul With Long Expectance Faints
In this hymn, the speaker expresses their longing and waiting for God’s saving grace. Despite facing challenges and feeling weak, they continue to place their confidence in God’s unwavering word. The speaker acknowledges their struggles and suffering but remains faithful to God’s teachings.
The speaker describes their longing for relief and aid, feeling as though their very eyes are failing from waiting. They compare their skin to shriveled parchment, showing the physical toll of their prolonged distress. However, even in the midst of affliction, they are determined not to forget God’s statutes.
It is clear that the speaker is enduring a great deal of sorrow and distress, questioning when God will bring judgment upon those who oppress them. The speaker is also aware of the plot against them by the proud and those who oppose God’s laws. Despite facing persecution without cause, the speaker calls upon God to be their helper.
The speaker recounts how their enemies had almost succeeded in their malicious plans, but their obedience to God’s will remained steadfast. They plea for God’s kindness to restore their spirit and guide them in living a righteous life according to His statutes.
Overall, this hymn reflects a deep faith in God’s promise of salvation and protection, even in the face of adversity. It conveys a message of perseverance, trust, and reliance on God’s unfailing love and guidance. Through prayer and devotion, the speaker finds strength to endure and uphold their faith amidst trials and tribulations.
As we reflect on this beautiful hymn, let us also remember to place our trust in God’s word and seek His guidance in all aspects of our lives. Just as the speaker in the hymn remained faithful and unwavering in their devotion, may we too find comfort and strength in God’s promises. Let us have patience and faith in His timing, knowing that He will provide relief and aid in His perfect way and time.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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