O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise – Hymn Lyric

Find freedom and peace in God's grace as "O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise" reminds us of the transformative power of His love. Discover the joy of being baptized into His holy nature and find rest in His presence.

O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise – Hymn Lyric

O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise Discover the surprising freedom and peace found in God’s grace. Through baptism into His holy nature, our souls are transformed, freed from the guilt and shame of sin. In , we find rest, , and the remarkable privilege of being united with Him in the Father’s glory.


O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise – Hymn Lyric

O! how doth God our souls surprise,
When he our conscience doth baptize
Into the holy Nature;

Where, free from all Offence and blame,
We now possess in Christ the Lamb,
The Fulness of his Stature.

No free are we and ever,
In our , stand perfected;
With him to this Grace elected.

Free from all consciousness of Sin,
We live where none can enter in;
This when in Heart believed;

Our Conscience answers towards God,
As free from Sin, thro’ Jesu’s Blood,
Nor can we be deceived:

For he and we, in one Body,
White and ruddy, are compleated;
In the Father’s Glory seated.

now in us is wrought;
Now is there one uneasy Thought,
By which our Peace is spoiled:

Baptiz’d into the Saviour’s Name,
Our Conscience answers to the Lamb,
Who ne’er can be defiled.

Now blest we rest from what vexes
And perplexes; we are fully
In and as in holy.


Meaning of O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise

O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise: Finding Freedom and Peace in God’s Grace

Do you ever feel surprised by God? Do you ever find yourself in awe of the way He works in your life? It’s a beautiful thing when God surprises us with His and grace. In the hymn “O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise,” we are reminded of the overwhelming and peace that comes when God baptizes our souls into His holy nature.

The hymn begins with the lines, “O! how doth God our souls surprise, when he our conscience doth baptize into the holy Nature.” These words remind us that God’s grace is transformative. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, our conscience is washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. We are freed from the guilt and shame of our sins. Just like baptism symbolizes a new beginning, our souls are immersed in the holy nature of God, where we find forgiveness, redemption, and acceptance.

This hymn emphasizes the incredible privilege we have as believers to be free from all offense and blame. It says, “No free are we and shall ever, in our Savior, stand perfected.” What a comforting thought! Our standing with God is not based on our own efforts or merit. It is solely through the grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We can rest assured that in Him, we are perfected and made right before God.

The hymn then goes on to describe how, in this state of grace, we live free from consciousness of sin. It says, “We live where none can enter in; this when in Heart believed; our Conscience answers towards God, as free from Sin, thro’ Jesus’ Blood, nor can we be deceived.” When we truly believe in our hearts that Jesus’ sacrifice has cleansed us from all sin, our conscience aligns with God’s truth. We no longer have to be burdened by guilt and shame. We can confidently stand before God, knowing that we are free and forgiven.

But what does it mean to be free from consciousness of sin? Does it mean that we never sin again? No, it means that in Christ, sin no longer defines us. Our identity is now found in Him. We are clothed in His righteousness, and our sins are washed . It doesn’t mean we are perfect or immune to temptation, but it means that when we do fall short, we can run to Jesus for forgiveness and find restoration in His loving arms.

The hymn continues with the lines, “For he and we, in one Body, white and ruddy, are compleated; in the Father’s Glory seated.” As believers, we are united with Christ. We are part of His body, the church. We are made whole and complete in Him. No longer are we separated from God, but we are seated alongside Christ in the Father’s glory. What a remarkable privilege! We are not just forgiven and set free, but we are also given a place of honor and intimacy with our Heavenly Father.

The final verse of the hymn proclaims, “Now blest we rest from what vexes and perplexes; we are fully in and as in Jesus holy.” In Christ, we can find true rest. Our worries, fears, and anxieties no longer have power over us. We can cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us. The peace that surpasses all understanding guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We are fully in Him, and He is fully in us. We are made holy through His sacrifice, and we can find true fulfillment and joy in His presence.

In conclusion, “O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise” is a hymn that beautifully captures the freedom and peace we experience when God baptizes our souls into His holy nature. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our sins are washed away, and we are made right before God. We can live free from the consciousness of sin, knowing that Jesus’ blood covers us completely. We are united with Him, seated in the Father’s glory, and given the privilege of finding rest and peace in His presence. So let us embrace the surprise of God’s love and grace, and may our souls continually be filled with awe and gratitude for all He has done for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find freedom and peace in God's grace as O How Doth God Our Souls Surprise reminds us of the transformative power of His love. Discover the joy of being baptized into His holy nature and find rest in His presence.


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