O Speak To Me Dear Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Find comfort in Jesus' words. Discover solace and guidance in 'O Speak To Me Dear Jesus.' Let His voice warm your weary heart and guide your actions."

O Speak To Me Dear Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“O To Me Dear Jesus” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses the longing for comfort and guidance in the words of Jesus. The songwriter recognizes the coldness and weariness of the world and seeks solace in Jesus’ tender voice. They understand the power and transformative effect that His words can have, and they invite us to attentively and allow His words to shape our actions and bring us closer to His purpose.


O Speak To Me Dear Jesus – Hymn Lyric

O speak to me,
dear Jesus,
This world is wide and cold,
And something in its weary round
Makes the heart and old;
Then speak to me,
dear Jesus,
Some tender word of Thine,
Till all the soul within me
Leaps up with life divine.

O speak to me,
dear Jesus,
When wild temptations rise;
Tear from my heart each idle hope,
These refuges of lies:
Build me upon Thee, Jesus,
Lest slipping I should fall;
I shiver ‘mid the :
Be Thou my all in all.

Speak Thou to me,
dear Jesus,
As once, in olden times,
Thou didst in lonely Patmos isle
In visioned brightness shine,
Before the loved Apostle,
Till all His fled,
As standing there in glory,
In spirit he was led.

Then whisper to me, Jesus,
Deep, deep within my soul;
And thus, the actions visible,
By hidden springs control;
Each day must have an ending,
Each day, however long;
Time’s notes e’en now are blending
With Heav’n’s eternal song.


Meaning of O Speak To Me Dear Jesus

O Speak To Me Dear Jesus: Finding Comfort in the Words of the

In this hymn, the songwriter beautifully captures the longing of the human heart for solace and guidance. The world can often feel vast and cold, and life’s wearisome struggles can leave us feeling sad and weary. However, the songwriter recognizes that there is power in the words of Jesus, and they seek His tender voice to bring life and warmth to their soul.

The hymn begins with a heartfelt plea for Jesus to speak to the songwriter. The world’s coldness and weariness seems to drain the joy and vibrancy from their heart. But they that a single word from the Savior can make their soul come alive with divine life. It is a sincere and humble request, as they recognize their need for Jesus’ presence and guidance in a world that often feels overwhelming.

The songwriter then acknowledges the temptations that arise and threaten to lead them astray. They desire for Jesus to tear any false hopes or refuge they may find in worldly things. By building their foundation upon Jesus, they hope to prevent themselves from slipping and falling into darkness. Their dependency on Jesus is evident as they acknowledge that without Him, they would shiver in the midst of the world’s uncertainties. They long for Jesus to be their everything, their all in all.

The hymn draws upon the imagery of Jesus speaking to the Apostle John on the island of Patmos. In that solitary place, Jesus appeared in glorious vision to comfort and encourage the Apostle. The songwriter yearns for the same experience – for Jesus to whisper to their soul and bring a sense of peace and direction. They recognize that with Jesus speaking to them deep within their being, their actions will be guided by hidden springs, ensuring that they align with His teachings and will.

The songwriter emphasizes the importance of each day, regardless of its length. They understand that every day has an ending, and time is constantly moving forward. In this fast-paced world, it is easy to overlook the significance of each passing day. However, the songwriter encourages the listener to be mindful of eternity. They believe that the notes of time are blending with the eternal song of Heaven, reminding us of the greater purpose and meaning beyond our earthly existence.

Ultimately, the hymn “O Speak To Me Dear Jesus” invites us to seek solace, guidance, and comfort in the words of Jesus. It reminds us that in a wide and cold world, His words can bring warmth and life to our weary hearts. Just as He spoke to His disciples and provided them with strength and direction, He continues to speak to us today through His Word, the . We are invited to listen attentively, allowing His words to shape our actions and bring us closer to His eternal purpose.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Speak To Me Dear Jesus” resonates with the deep longing for comfort and guidance that many individuals experience. Its words remind us of the power that Jesus’ words hold and the transformative effect they can have on our lives. Whether facing temptations, seeking direction, or finding solace in the midst of life’s challenges, we can turn to Jesus and ask Him to speak to our hearts. His words have the power to bring life, joy, and hope to our souls, and it is through His guidance that we can find true fulfillment and purpose. May we always be open to hearing His voice and may His words resonate deeply within us, leading us on a path of righteousness and everlasting peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort in Jesus' words. Discover solace and guidance in 'O Speak To Me Dear Jesus.' Let His voice warm your weary heart and guide your actions.


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