The God Of Love Will Sure Indulge – Hymn Lyric

Find solace in God's love and support during times of sorrow and loss. The God of Love will sure indulge your tears and provide comfort in your time of need. Cast your cares upon Him and find strength in His unwavering presence.

The God Of Love Will Sure Indulge – Hymn Lyric

Finding solace in God’s love and support during times of sorrow and loss, “The God of Love Will Sure Indulge” reminds us that we are not alone in our mourning. The hymn emphasizes God’s comforting presence as our Parent, Protector, Guardian, and Guide, urging us to cast our cares upon Him. Through His gracious love and truth, we can find solace, strength, and a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.


The God Of Love Will Sure Indulge – Hymn Lyric

The God of love will sure indulge
The flowing tear, the heaving sigh,
When righteous persons fall around,
When tender friends and kindred die.

Yet not one anxious murm’ring thought
Should with our mourning passions blend;
Nor should our bleeding hearts forget
Th’ almighty ever-living .

Parent, Protector, Guardian, Guide!
art each tender name in one.
On we cast our ev’ry care,
And comfort seek from thee alone.

Our Father God, to thee we look,
Our rock, our portion, and our Friend!
And on thy gracious love and truth
Our sinking souls shall still depend.


Meaning of The God Of Love Will Sure Indulge

The Flowing Tear: Finding solace in God’s love and support

In times of sorrow and loss, when we witness the falling of righteous individuals and the passing of friends and relatives, it is natural for our hearts to become heavy with . The tears , and our sighs escape as we grapple with the pain and emptiness that accompany these moments. However, amidst our mourning, we are reminded that the God of love is there to console us, to wrap us in His loving embrace and offer us comfort in our time of .

The hymn begins by acknowledging the God of love’s assurance to indulge even the flowing tears and heaving sighs. It recognizes that in our vulnerable state, we are granted permission to grieve and release our emotions. Our tears and sighs, although expressions of sorrow, are not by a judgmental deity but are met with understanding and compassion. This comforting truth reminds us that we are never alone in our grief, that God’s loving presence is there to provide solace and support.

However, as we navigate through the depths of our sorrow, it is crucial to remember that our mourning should not be tainted by anxious murmurs or negative thoughts. It is essential to differentiate between the natural expression of grief and allowing ourselves to become consumed by negativity. The hymn encourages us to remain steadfast in our trust and in God, urging us not to allow our bleeding hearts to forget the almighty ever-living Friend.

The hymn describes God using various tender names such as Parent, Protector, Guardian, and Guide. Each of these names encapsulates different aspects of God’s character and the roles He fulfills in our lives. As our Parent, He nurtures us with unconditional love and care; as our Protector, He shields us from harm; as our Guardian, He watches over us, guiding us along the paths we should take; and as our Guide, He leads us towards righteousness and truth. This portrayal emphasizes the comprehensive nature of God’s presence and highlights the multifaceted ways in which He supports and sustains us.

It is upon this assurance that we are encouraged to cast our every care. Knowing that we have a Father God who is our rock, our portion, and our friend brings immense comfort and reassurance. We are reminded that we don’t have to bear the weight of our burdens alone; instead, we can turn to God, knowing that He is there to shoulder them with us. Whether it is the pain of loss, the trials of life, or the challenges we face, we can find solace and strength in the arms of our loving God.

This hymn instills within us a sense of reliance on God’s gracious love and truth. It cultivates the understanding that our sinking souls can find buoyancy in His unwavering presence. In times of profound grief, it can be all too easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. Yet, through this hymn, we are reminded that we are not without hope. Even when all seems bleak, we can turn to God and rely on His love and truth to anchor us, to guide us through the stormy seas of our emotions, and to offer us a glimmer of light amidst the darkness.

In conclusion, “The God of Love Will Sure Indulge” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of finding comfort in God’s love and support during times of mourning. It reminds us that, although tears may flow and sighs may escape, we can take solace in knowing that our heavenly Father is there to embrace us with His infinite love and grant us the strength to endure. His tender names and roles as our Parent, Protector, Guardian, and Guide exemplify the depth of His care and the extent of His involvement in our lives. So, let us cast our cares upon Him, for He is our rock, our portion, and our friend. Let us lean on His gracious love and truth, finding solace and strength in His ever-present embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace in God's love and support during times of sorrow and loss. The God of Love will sure indulge your tears and provide comfort in your time of need. Cast your cares upon Him and find strength in His unwavering presence.


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