On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered – Hymn Lyric

"On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered: Experience God's Transformative Love & Grace. Find redemption from a life of sin and discover the incredible power of God's grace. Start your journey of faith and obedience today."

On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered – Hymn Lyric



On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered – Hymn Lyric

On the mountains of sin I once wandered,
I was far away from my God;
Then my time and my talents I squandered,
And in sin’s broad pathway I trod.

O such wonderful love
Coming down from above,
And stood in my poor, guilty place;
From the mountains of sin,
He gathered me in,
O wonderful, wonderful grace.

But a in my heart kept entreating,
Poor soul, come, O come to thy God;
That sweet voice I could hear still repeating,
O will you not trust in my blood?


Sweet and low were the tones of His pleading,
O will you not come unto me?
All the blessings thy poor soul is needing,
I freely will give unto thee.


Then to Jesus I went, sin confessing,
My burden from off me did roll;
His free pardon and peace then possessing,
Joy flooded the depths of my soul.


Ever since that glad day I’ve been doing
The work God appoints unto me;
Still with joy the upward pursuing,
Till His face in glory I see.


Meaning of On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered

On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered: Experiencing the Transformative Power of God’s Love and Grace

In life, we often find ourselves wandering on treacherous paths, far away from the embrace of our Creator. We make choices that lead us astray, squandering our precious time and talents in pursuit of worldly pleasures. Our hearts become burdened with the weight of sin, and we feel lost and alone in our journey. However, even in our darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope, a voice that calls out to us, inviting us to return to God and experience the incredible power of His love and grace.

Just like the hymn says, “On the mountains of sin I once wandered, I was far away from my God.” I remember a time when I strayed from the path of righteousness, indulging in behavior that was contrary to how I was raised. It felt exhilarating for a while, but deep down, I knew I was on a destructive path. I became entangled in sin’s web, and it seemed impossible to escape its grip.

Yet, amidst the chaos of my life, a small voice spoke to my heart. It gently whispered, “Poor soul, come, O come to thy God.” It was a voice of love and compassion, reaching out to me in my brokenness, inviting me to trust in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. It was an invitation to experience the wonderful, life-transforming grace that only God can offer.

At first, I resisted that voice. I was filled with guilt and shame, that I was unworthy of God’s forgiveness. But the voice persisted, urging me to let go of my pride and accept the blessings that my soul desperately needed. “O will you not trust in my blood?” it asked, reminding me that God’s is not based on my merits but on His mercy.

The beauty of this hymn lies in the music of its words. The tones of His pleading were sweet and low, like a lullaby gently sung to a wayward . I couldn’t resist their allure any longer. They penetrated my heart, comforting me in a way that nothing else could. The hymn says, “All the blessings thy poor soul is needing, I freely will give unto thee.” In that moment, I realized that God’s love was abundant, overflowing with blessings beyond measure.

So, I made the decision to surrender my and shortcomings to Jesus Christ. I confessed my wrongdoing and sought His forgiveness. The weight of my burdens was lifted, and a profound sense of peace enveloped my soul. I experienced the liberating power of His love, and it was truly wonderful.

From that day forward, my life took a new direction. I felt a renewed sense of purpose and joy. The hymn beautifully captures this transformation – “Then to Jesus I went, sin confessing, My burden from off me did roll; His free pardon and peace then possessing, Joy flooded the depths of my soul.” I had found the true source of joy, peace, and freedom – it was in a personal relationship with God.

Since that pivotal moment, my life has been dedicated to fulfilling the work that God has appointed for me. The hymn says, “Ever since that glad day, I’ve been doing the work God appoints unto me.” Each day, I strive to walk in obedience to His commandments and serve others with love and compassion. It hasn’t always been easy, but the joy and fulfillment I find in following God’s path outweigh any challenges I face.

As I on this journey, I am filled with anticipation and hope. The hymn expresses this sentiment perfectly – “Still with joy the way upward pursuing, Till His face in glory I see.” My ultimate goal is to see the face of God, to His glory and experience His presence in all its fullness. Until then, I will press on, joyfully seeking His will and spreading His love to those around me.

In conclusion, “On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered” is a hymn that beautifully captures the transformative power of God’s love and grace. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed, there is always hope for redemption. When we hear the soft whispers of God’s voice, calling us to return to Him, let us not resist, but instead embrace His loving embrace. May we all experience the wonderful, wonderful grace that comes from surrendering our sins to Him and embarking on a lifelong journey of and obedience.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image On The Mountains Of Sin I Once Wandered: Experience God's Transformative Love & Grace. Find redemption from a life of sin and discover the incredible power of God's grace. Start your journey of faith and obedience today.


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