Though Your Field Of Labor Cover But A Little Space – Hymn Lyric

Find contentment and make a difference right where you are

Though Your Field Of Labor Cover But A Little Space – Hymn Lyric



Though Your Field Of Labor Cover But A Little Space – Hymn Lyric

Tho’ your field of labor cover but a little space,
Do not sigh for broader harvest fields afar;
Sure that you will please the Master,
still His grace,
Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

Just where you are,
Just where you are;
Lack of time and space for duty is no bar!
Do not sigh for broader harvest fields afar,
Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

Some must do the smaller things, while others do the great,
Giving of candle, or of blazing star;
Go wherever be your field of labor, pray and wait-
Do your best for Jesus just where you are. [Refrain]

Fill you station without murmur, all your days,
Letting naught discourage, naught your record mar;
Do not crave another place in which to or
Do your best for Jesus just where you are. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Though Your Field Of Labor Cover But A Little Space

In every aspect of life, it’s natural for us to sometimes yearn for more. We may larger opportunities, bigger platforms, or broader horizons. This sentiment is not uncommon, and it often drives us to seek greener pastures or distant lands in pursuit of success or fulfillment. However, there is a profound message in the “Tho’ your field of labor cover but a little space” that reminds us of the importance of contentment and the potential impact we can make right where we are.

The hymn opens with the verses:

Tho’ your field of labor cover but a little space,

Do not sigh for broader harvest fields afar;

Sure that you will please the Master, trusting still His grace,

Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

These beautifully encapsulate a crucial aspect of life – the significance of our actions in the present. We may feel confined or limited by the size or scope of our circumstances, but this hymn encourages us to embrace our current situation and make the most of it. Whether our field of labor is small or large, it is our diligence, faith, and dedication that truly matter.

The refrain further emphasizes this message:

Just where you are,

Just where you are;

Lack of time and space for duty is no bar!

Do not sigh for broader harvest fields afar,

Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

These uplifting words remind us that the size of our field is inconsequential when it comes to fulfilling our purpose. Lack of time or space should never be an excuse for not doing our best or serving others. Every opportunity, no matter how small it seems, holds the potential for making a difference. Whether we are lighting a candle or like a blazing star, our efforts count and have the power to impact those around us.

The hymn continues:

Some must do the smaller things, while others do the great,

Giving light of candle, or of blazing star;

Go wherever be your field of labor, pray and wait-

Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

These verses shed light on the diversity of roles and responsibilities that exist. Not everyone is called to do the great things that garner attention and recognition, but that does not diminish the importance of the smaller tasks. Each person’s role, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to the greater purpose. Whether we find ourselves in the spotlight or working behind the scenes, we are called to faithfully fulfill our individual duties and trust in the plans and timing of the Divine.

The final verse says:

Fill your station without murmur, all your pilgrim days,

Letting naught discourage, naught your record mar;

Do not crave another place in which to toil or praise-

Do your best for Jesus just where you are.

This verse urges us to diligently fulfill our duties without complaint or discontentment. It is easy to fall into the trap of comparing our situation to others and desiring what they have. However, true contentment is found in embracing and making the most of our current station. We must resist the urge to seek another place or covet the work of others. Instead, by focusing on doing our best for Jesus where we are, we will leave a lasting and positive impact.

In conclusion, the hymn “Tho’ your field of labor cover but a little space” brings forth a timeless message. It encourages us to find contentment, purpose, and fulfillment in our current circumstances. It reminds us that the size or scope of our field is not what defines our impact, but rather, it is our dedication, faith, and commitment to doing our best for Jesus right where we are. So, let us embrace our field, regardless of its size, and let our actions be a testament to the love and grace of the Master.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find contentment and make a difference right where you are, no matter how small your field of labor may be. Do your best for Jesus and trust in His grace.


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