Show Us Thy Way O Lord Show Us Thy Way – Hymn Lyric

Humble request for guidance and strength in "Show Us Thy Way

Show Us Thy Way O Lord Show Us Thy Way – Hymn Lyric



Show Us Thy Way O Lord Show Us Thy Way – Hymn Lyric

Show us way, O , show us Thy way,
Alone we cannot go, for we would stray,
Thy way is always , Thy path is always right,
Keep us by Thy great might, O Lord divine.

Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
We’ll follow none but Thee, cost what it may,
Our way would lead us down, our way is always wrong,
Then lead us, is our song, O Lord divine.

Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
Our God we’ll trust but Thee, hear while we pray,
Purge us from ev’ry sin, cleanse us, without, within
Make us completely clean, O Lord divine.

Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
Brighter the pathway glows, as we obey,
When Thou dost call us home,
Grant us Thy glad “Well done,”
And praise be Thine alone, O Lord divine.


Meaning of Show Us Thy Way O Lord Show Us Thy Way

In our hymn “Show Us Thy Way, O Lord,” we humbly ask for guidance and strength from our divine creator. We recognize that on our own, we are prone to stray and make wrong decisions. However, we trust in the Lord’s wisdom and to lead us down the right path.

The phrase “show us Thy way” serves as a request for guidance. We acknowledge that we cannot navigate through life successfully without divine intervention. We are aware of our limitations and the tendency to deviate from the right path. Therefore, we humbly ask the Lord to show us His way, which is always bright and right.

Our way, if we were to rely on our own instincts and desires, would often lead us astray. It is easy to be swayed by worldly temptations and distractions. We recognize the importance of following none but the Lord and His teachings, regardless of the cost. We acknowledge that straying from His path leads to wrong decisions and negative consequences. In this hymn, we express our commitment to following the Lord’s way, despite the challenges that may come our way.

As we sing, “Our way would lead us down, our way is always wrong,” we acknowledge that our human nature tends to lead us toward sinful behavior and selfish choices. We recognize the need for the Lord to guide us away from these destructive paths. By asking the Lord to lead us, we declare our to align our will with His, and to let go of our own flawed perspectives in favor of His perfect guidance.

One of the central themes of our hymn is the idea of being cleansed and made completely clean. We understand that in order to follow the Lord’s way, we must first be purged from every sin. We recognize that sin can taint our hearts and minds, clouding our judgment and affecting our ability to discern right from wrong. In our , we ask the Lord to cleanse us both inside and out, to purify our thoughts, actions, and intentions. We acknowledge that only through His power can we achieve true purity.

The pathway of the Lord is described as bright and glowing. As we strive to obediently follow His way, we find that the path becomes even brighter. This can be interpreted as the blessings and that come from walking in the Lord’s . When we align ourselves with His teachings and live according to His commandments, we experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. We find true happiness in doing what is right and pleasing to the Lord.

Our ultimate goal, as expressed in the hymn, is to hear the Lord say, “Well done” when He calls us home. We long for His approval and desire to live a life that is pleasing to Him. We recognize that our actions on earth have consequences, and we strive to make choices that will bring honor and praise to our divine creator.

In conclusion, as we sing the hymn “Show Us Thy Way, O Lord,” we humbly ask for guidance, trusting in the Lord’s wisdom and righteousness. We recognize our tendency to stray and make wrong decisions without His intervention. We commit to following the Lord’s way, even if it comes at a cost. We acknowledge that our own way often leads us astray, and we ask the Lord to lead us away from sin and toward purity. As we obediently navigate the bright pathway of His teachings, we hope to hear His words of approval when we are called home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Humble request for guidance and strength in Show Us Thy Way, O Lord hymn. Trusting in the Lord's wisdom, we commit to following His bright and right path, seeking to be purified and hear His approval when called home.


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