Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil – Hymn Lyric

Experience a transformation of the heart with "Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil" hymn. Let Jesus soften your hardened heart and cultivate it into fertile ground. Witness the beauty of spiritual growth.

Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil – Hymn Lyric

In the “Take My Heart O , Work Its Stony Soil,” the author humbly offers their hardened heart to Jesus, recognizing their own inability to cultivate it on their own. They ask for the Holy Spirit’s transformative power and the Word of God’s guidance to soften their heart and make it fertile. With readiness, they invite Jesus to sow His seed and protect it from the enemy’s influence, eagerly awaiting the day when their heart will yield an abundant harvest.


Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil – Hymn Lyric

Take my heart, O Jesus, work its stony soil,
Long I have been weary of this fruitless ;
Ev’ry cherished method of my own device
And the hardest labor will no more suffice.

Once I spurned , , in my self-conceit,
Now behold my spirit, broken with defeat.
Lord, I can but offer Thee a barren heart;
Take it and salvation by Thy grace impart.

Let Thy Holy Spirit with the Word of God
Crush the stone to pieces, break the hardened sod;
Let Him work it deeply till the soil is sound,
Till it serves Thy purpose as a fertile ground.

Go then forth, O Sower, sow Thy seed,
Showers freely scatter, to its care give heed;
Smother thorns and thistles, guard it from the foe,
Lest he in the come his tares to sow.

Thou hast shown me with a love untold,
Grant that I may yield Thee fruit a hundredfold;
What a day of , what a day of gain,
When the reapers carry home the golden grain!


Meaning of Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil

In this hymn, titled “Take My Heart O Jesus, Work Its Stony Soil,” the author expresses their desire to give their heart to Jesus and have Him transform it into a fertile ground that can produce spiritual fruit. They acknowledge their weariness from trying to cultivate their heart on their own, realizing that their own efforts and methods have been fruitless. Now, they humbly offer their heart to Jesus, asking Him to work in it and bring about salvation through His grace.

The author recognizes that their heart is hardened like stony soil. Just as hard soil needs to be broken down and tilled before it can yield a bountiful harvest, their heart needs to be softened and transformed by the Holy Spirit. They acknowledge their past arrogance in thinking they could thrive without Jesus, and now they come to Him with a broken spirit, ready for His healing touch.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in this transformative process. The author prays that the Holy Spirit will crush the hardness of their heart and break up the stubbornness within. They understand that this is necessary for their heart to serve God’s purpose and become a fertile ground for spiritual growth. Just as a farmer diligently works the soil, the author asks Jesus to work deeply in their heart until it is just right for His purposes.

With their heart now ready, the author encourages Jesus, the Sower, to scatter His precious seed. They ask Him to shower the seed abundantly, and they for protection from the enemy who seeks to sow harmful influences in the darkness. They long for their heart to be free from the thorns and thistles that hinder spiritual growth, so that the seed can thrive and produce a fruitful harvest.

The author is overwhelmed by the mercy and love that Jesus has shown them. They request that, in response to this love, they may yield abundant spiritual fruit. They eagerly anticipate the day when the reapers will carry home the golden grain, symbolizing the joy and fulfillment that come from a bountiful harvest of righteousness.

In conclusion, this hymn conveys a heartfelt plea to Jesus to take the author’s heart and work its stony soil. The author recognizes their own inability to cultivate their heart on their own and humbly offers it to Jesus. They ask for the Holy Spirit’s transformative power and the Word of God’s guidance to soften their heart and make it fertile. With this readiness, they invite Jesus to sow His precious seed and protect it from the enemy’s influence. The author anticipates the day when their heart, now transformed, will yield an abundant harvest of spiritual fruit. May we all echo this hymn’s sentiment and invite Jesus to work in our hearts, making them fertile grounds for His glory.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience a transformation of the heart with Take My Heart O Jesus Work Its Stony Soil hymn. Let Jesus soften your hardened heart and cultivate it into fertile ground. Witness the beauty of spiritual growth.


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