The Lord I Will At All Times Bless – Hymn Lyric

Bless the Lord at all times with this beautiful hymn. Reflect on God's faithfulness

The Lord I Will At All Times Bless – Hymn Lyric



The Lord I Will At All Times Bless – Hymn Lyric

The Lord I will at all times bless,
In praise my mouth employ;
My soul shall in Jehovah boast,
The meek shall hear with joy.

O magnify the Lord with me,
Let us exult His Name;
When in distress on Him I called,
He to my rescue .

We looked to Him and light received,
Ashamed we shall not be;
Our humble cry Jehovah heard,
From set us free.

The angle of the Lord encamps
Around about His own,
Delivers them from all their foes,
Lest they be overthrown.

O taste and see that God is good
To all that seek His face;
Yea, blest the man that trust in Him,
Confiding in His grace.

O fear the Lord, all ye His saints;
No want shall bring distress;
The lions young may pine for food,
The saints all good possess.


Meaning of The Lord I Will At All Times Bless

In this beautiful hymn titled “The Lord I Will At All Times Bless,” we are reminded of the importance of praising and in God. It is a song that fills our hearts with joy and gratitude as we reflect on the faithfulness and goodness of our Heavenly Father.

The hymn begins with a declaration of our intention to bless the Lord at all times. It is not a conditional blessing, but a continuous one. In every season of life, in times of joy and times of hardship, we choose to praise God. This mindset of praising God in all circumstances sets the tone for the rest of the hymn.

The next verse expresses our desire to boast in Jehovah, to make Him known to others through our words and actions. As believers, we have experienced the and faithfulness of God, and we can’t help but share it with others. The meek, those who are humble and open-hearted, will hear our testimony with joy and find encouragement in their own journey.

As we continue to sing, we are reminded of how God comes to our rescue when we call upon Him in distress. He is always there, to answer our cry for help. We can trust in His unfailing love and care, knowing that He will never leave us or us. When we turn to Him in our times of trouble, He brings light into our darkness and sets us free from our troubles.

The hymn emphasizes the protection God provides for His children. We are told that the of the Lord encamps around those who belong to Him. This imagery paints a picture of safety and security. God is our shield and our defender, shielding us from the attacks of our enemies. This assurance brings great comfort to us, knowing that we are not alone in our battles.

The next stanza invites us to taste and see that God is good. It is an invitation to experience firsthand the goodness of God in our lives. When we seek His face, when we truly desire to Him, we will find that He is indeed good. He satisfies the deepest longings of our hearts and provides for our every . We are blessed when we trust in Him and rely on His grace and provision.

Fear of the Lord is another theme that emerges in this hymn. It is not a trembling fear, but a reverence and awe for the Almighty God. As His saints, we are called to fear Him, to have a healthy respect for His authority and power. This fear of the Lord brings us peace and security because we know that He will take care of us. No matter what challenges or hardships we face, we can trust that He will meet our needs and provide a way for us.

In the final verse, we are reminded of the contrast between the lions’ young, who may go hungry, and the saints who possess all good things. This imagery speaks to the abundance that comes from trusting in God. When we put our faith in Him, we lack no good thing. He meets not only our physical needs but also our spiritual and emotional needs. It is a reminder that our true satisfaction and fulfillment from our relationship with Him.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are encouraged to continually bless the Lord, to praise Him at all times. Our testimonies of His faithfulness can bring joy and hope to others. We can trust in His provision and protection, knowing that He is always near to rescue us from our troubles. Let us taste and see that He is good, finding true satisfaction and fulfillment in Him. And let us fear the Lord, trusting in His unfailing love and care for us. In doing so, we will experience the abundant life that comes from trusting in Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Bless the Lord at all times with this beautiful hymn. Reflect on God's faithfulness, protection and goodness. Trust in Him for true satisfaction and fulfillment.


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