The Love Of Christ Is Full And Free – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Infinite Love of Christ: Overflowing with Grace and Boundless Compassion. Discover the Powerful Impact of His Love in Your Life Today. Praise the Savior's Name!

The Love Of Christ Is Full And Free – Hymn Lyric

The Love of Christ Is Full and Free is a that celebrates the boundless and unending love of Jesus. His love surpasses all worldly treasures and is a constant presence in our lives, seeking us out and transforming us. We are called to praise His name and share His love with others, for His love knows no boundaries and extends to all.


The Love Of Christ Is Full And Free – Hymn Lyric

The love of Christ is full and free,
A never-ebbing, boundless ;
‘Tis more than all the world to me:
O praise the Savior’s name!

O praise the Savior’s name,
His wondrous love proclaim;
On Cal’vry’s tree He died for thee:
O praise the Savior’s name!

Where’er I stray, He follows still,
And seeks me far o’er vale and hill;
His subdues my stubborn will:
O praise the Savior’s name!

O praise the Savior’s name,
His wondrous love proclaim;
On Cal’vry’s tree He died for thee:
O praise the Savior’s name!

Clad in His glorious strength I ;
And, clinging to His mighty hand,
I soon shall reach the heav’nly land:
O praise the Savior’s name!

O praise the Savior’s name,
His wondrous love proclaim;
On Cal’vry’s tree He died for thee:
O praise the Savior’s name!

Christ is a faithful friend and true;
He’ll keep you all life’s journey thro’;
Now tell what He has done for you,
And praise the Savior’s name.

O praise the Savior’s name,
His wondrous love proclaim;
On Cal’vry’s tree He died for thee:
O praise the Savior’s name!

His love extends to all the race,
He is the reservoir of grace;
Now give Him in your heart a ,
And praise the Savior’s name.

O praise the Savior’s name,
His wondrous love proclaim;
On Cal’vry’s tree He died for thee:
O praise the Savior’s name!


Meaning of The Love Of Christ Is Full And Free

The Love of Christ Is Full and Free: A Never-Ending Sea of Grace

Oh, the love of Christ is an incredible thing! It is like a never-ebbing, boundless sea that knows no bounds. It is a love that surpasses anything the world has to offer. The love of Christ is more than all the treasures and riches of this world combined. It is a love so deep and profound that it deserves our utmost praise and gratitude. Let us lift our voices and proclaim the of His love!

In this hymn, we are reminded of the enormity of Christ’s love for us. It is beyond measure, beyond comprehension. We cannot fathom the depths to which He loves us. It is a love that goes beyond our wandering ways, following us wherever we may stray. Christ is always there, seeking us out, calling us back to Him. His love knows no boundaries, crossing valleys and hills to reach us.

What a remarkable thing it is that Christ’s grace has the power to subdue our stubborn will! We, as human beings, often find it difficult to our own desires and plans. We want to be in control, to have our own way. Yet, in His lovingkindness, Christ extends His grace to us, softening our hearts and helping us to yield to His gentle . His grace can transform even the most unyielding and rebellious spirit.

When we put our trust in Christ, we stand clothed in His glorious strength. It is His mighty hand that sustains us and leads us forward. As we cling to Him, He empowers us to overcome the obstacles and challenges that come our way. We can rest assured that with Christ by our side, we will eventually reach the heavenly land, our eternal home. Let us rejoice and praise the Savior’s name for His unwavering faithfulness and His promise of a glorious destination.

Indeed, Christ is the most faithful friend we could ever have. He is always there for us, walking alongside us throughout our entire journey of life. He never leaves us, never forsakes us. His love is constant and unchanging, a beacon of and comfort in a world that is often filled with uncertainty and disappointment. Take a moment and reflect on what Christ has done for you personally. How has He changed your life? How has His love made a difference?

Let us never forget that Christ’s love extends to all people, regardless of race, gender, or background. He is the reservoir of grace, overflowing with love and compassion. There is no one beyond the reach of His love. He desires for each and every person to experience the fullness of His grace and to find a home in His embrace. If you have not yet given Him a place in your heart, I urge you to do so today. Open your heart to His love, and you will never be the same.

In conclusion, the love of Christ is indeed full and free. It is a love that knows no limits, a love that goes above and beyond our wildest imaginations. Let us lift our voices and proclaim His wondrous love! As we navigate through life’s journey, let us always keep our eyes fixed on Him, knowing that His love will sustain us every step of the way. May we never cease to praise the Savior’s name and share His love with others.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Infinite Love of Christ: Overflowing with Grace and Boundless Compassion. Discover the Powerful Impact of His Love in Your Life Today. Praise the Savior's Name!


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