The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love of the Son of God who came down to Earth in Bethlehem

The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down – Hymn Lyric

“The Of God In Mighty Love Came Down” is a hymn that beautifully conveys the love and sacrifice of Christ. It tells the story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne to be born in Bethlehem, living amongst , and ultimately giving His life on the to save us from our sins. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible love Jesus has for each and every one of us.


The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down – Hymn Lyric

The Son of God in mighty love,
Came down to Bethlehem for me;
Forsook His throne of above,
An infant on the earth to be.

In love, the Father’s sinless child,
Sojourned at Nazareth for me;
With sinners dwelt the undefiled,
The One in Galilee.

Jesus, whom hosts adore,
Became a man of griefs for me;
In love, though rich, becoming poor,
That I through Him enriched might be.

Thou Lord of all, above, below,
He went to Olivet for me;
There drank my cup of wrath and woe,
When bleeding in Gethsemane.

The ever blessed Son of God
Went up to Calvary for me;
There paid my debt, there bore my load,
In His own body on the tree.

Jesus, whose dwelling is the skies,
Went down into the grave for me;
There overcame my enemies,
There won the gracious victory.

In love the whole dark path He trod,
To consecrate a way for me;
Each bitter footstep marked with blood,
From Bethlehem to Calvary.

‘Tis finished all; the veil is rent,
The welcome sure, the access free;
Now then we leave our banishment,
O Father, to return to Thee.


Meaning of The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down

The hymn “The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down” reminds us of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for each one of us. It tells the story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne and coming to Earth as a baby in Bethlehem.

Imagine, the Son of God leaving the glory and beauty of heaven to be born in a humble stable. He came down to Earth for me, for you, and for all of humanity. It was a display of His great love and desire to save us from our sins.

As a young child, Jesus lived in Nazareth. He grew up in an ordinary family, surrounding himself with sinners, yet remaining sinless Himself. The Holy One dwelled among us, showing us the way to live a righteous life.

The hymn then takes us to Galilee, where Jesus performed miracles, preached about the Kingdom of God, and showed compassion to all. In His love, Jesus became poor so that we could be eternally rich through Him.

Moving forward, we see Jesus making His way to Olivet and Gethsemane. In Gethsemane, He knew the suffering He would face, the weight of our sins upon His shoulders. He willingly drank the cup of God’s wrath and experienced deep sorrow, all because of His love for us.

The hymn then brings us to Calvary, where Jesus was crucified on the cross. It was there that He paid our debt, bore our heavy load, and took the punishment for our sins. The Son of God, who dwells in the heavens, willingly went to the grave for us.

But the story doesn’t end there. Jesus overcame death and rose again, victorious over our enemies. Through His death and resurrection, He won a gracious victory, offering us forgiveness and life.

The hymn highlights the incredible love displayed by Jesus as he walked the dark path from Bethlehem to Calvary. Every step was marked with His blood, a reminder of His sacrifice, and His consecration of a way for us to approach God.

And now, because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross, the veil is rent. Our banishment has come to an end, and we are welcomed into the presence of God. We can return to our Heavenly Father, knowing that Jesus has made a way for us.

In conclusion, “The Son Of God In Mighty Love Came Down” encapsulates the depth of Jesus’ love for us. He left His heavenly throne and became a man, walked the path of suffering, and willingly laid down His life to offer us salvation. This hymn is a beautiful reminder of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and a call for us to respond to His love by accepting His gift of forgiveness and eternal life.

So, let us remember the words of this hymn and hold them close to our hearts, knowing that we are loved beyond measure by our Savior, the Son of God in mighty love who came down for each one of us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love of the Son of God who came down to Earth in Bethlehem, forsook His throne, and made the ultimate sacrifice. Learn how His love can enrich your life and offer salvation.


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