The Table Spread My Soul There Spies – Hymn Lyric

Discover the feast of love divine in "The Table Spread My Soul There Spies." Experience the sacrifice

The Table Spread My Soul There Spies – Hymn Lyric

“The Table Spread My Soul There Spies: A Feast of Divine” captures the essence of a meal that nourishes not only our bodies but also our souls. Through ‘ sacrifice and the presence of his sacred and blood, we find redemption and forgiveness. This feast is available to all who seek it, offering grace and glory to hungry minds and souls.


The Table Spread My Soul There Spies – Hymn Lyric

The tables spread my soul there spies,
The victims bleed, the savior dies,
In anguish on the tree!
I hear his dying groans! I prove
His bleeding heart, his dying love,
He died, my soul, for .

The table’s spread–the royal food
Is Jesus’ sacred flesh and blood,
A feast of love divine:
His bleeding heart! his dying groans!
His sacred blood for sin atones–
Atones, my soul for thine.

The feast is spread with bleeding hands,
Bedewed with blood; and lo! it stands
To fill the hungry mind;
‘Tis , and whosoever will,
May feast his soul and drink his fill,
And grace and glory find.

Whilst at the table sits the King,
Raptured with , my soul shall sing,
With an flame;
My Savior’s grace I’ll still adore,
With joy I’ll love him more and more,
And bless his sacred name;

O sacred flesh! O solemn feast!
When Christ my Lord, the royal guest,
Is at his table found;
This adds new glories to my joy–
It bids me sin, and well I may,
It makes my bliss abound.

‘Tis thus my soul by faith is fed,
On angels’ food, with living bread,
And manna from above–
On sacred flesh, on dying blood!
I feast till I am full of God,
And drink the wine of love.

It is an early antipast,
Of heavenly bliss it is a taste,
A taste on earthly ground.
If here so sweet–if here we prove
Seraphic joy–celestial love,
In heav’n what will be found?


Meaning of The Table Spread My Soul There Spies

The Table Spread My Soul There Spies: A Feast of Love Divine

In this hymn, the table is spread before us, filled with a feast that nourishes not only our bodies but also our souls. As we partake in this sacred meal, we witness the ultimate sacrifice – the savior dying on the tree to redeem our sins. It is through his bleeding heart and dying love that we find salvation.

The table is adorned with Jesus’ sacred flesh and blood, symbolizing a divine feast of love. With His bleeding heart and dying groans, He atones for our sins, offering forgiveness and redemption. This feast, freely given, is available to all who seek it. It is a nourishment for our hungry minds and souls, providing us with grace and glory.

As we sit at the table, we are privileged to have the King Himself in our midst. It is a moment of true joy and . Our souls rejoice, and with an immortal flame, we offer our and adoration to our Savior. His grace continues to flow, and our love for Him intensifies with each passing moment. We are blessed by His presence, and His sacred name is forever on our lips.

The sacred flesh and solemn feast represent a profound connection to Christ. His presence at the table bestows new glories upon our joy. It invites us to acknowledge our sins and seek His forgiveness. Through this feast, our bliss knows no bounds.

Through faith, our souls are nourished by this heavenly feast. It is like angels’ food, filling us with the living bread that sustains us. The manna from above sprinkles upon our souls, offering divine sustenance. It is through this sacred flesh and dying blood that we find fullness in God. We drink deeply from the wine of love, and our thirst is quenched.

This feast is but an early antipast, a glimpse of heavenly bliss. It grants us a taste of the joy and love that await us in the realm beyond. If here, on earthly ground, we experience such sweetness, imagine what awaits us in heaven. It is a tantalizing glimpse of what is to come, a foretaste of eternal glory.

So let us gather around the table, my dear friends. Let us partake in this feast of love divine. As we spy the spread before us, we recognize the magnitude of the sacrifice made on our behalf. May our souls be filled with gratitude and reverence as we partake in this holy communion. Let us feast, my soul, and be forever grateful for the redemption and salvation found in the sacred flesh and dying blood of our Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the feast of love divine in The Table Spread My Soul There Spies. Experience the sacrifice, redemption, and salvation found in Jesus' sacred flesh and dying blood. Join the joyous gathering at the table and be nourished in body and soul. Feast, my soul, and embrace the grace bestowed upon us.


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