Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unconditional Love of God - Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord

Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Thy Love O Gracious God and : A Reflection on the Unconditional Love of God” In a world filled with various forms of love, there is one love that surpasses them all. It is a love that cannot be adequately described, a love that tunes the heart to a sweet accord, and a love that goes beyond human comprehension. This love, O gracious God and Lord, is the love that You have for each and every one of us. It is a love that surpasses all other loves, and it is a love that truly passes the power of telling. Despite our shortcomings and sinfulness, God continues to love us unconditionally. May we always remember and cherish this love, and may it resonate in our hearts and guide our lives as we journey through this world.


Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord – Hymn Lyric

Thy love, O gracious God and Lord,
All other loves excelling,
Attunes my heart to sweet accord,
And passes pow’r of telling;

For when Thy wondrous love I see,
My heart yields glad submission;
I love Thee for Thy love to me
In my , lost condition.

Yea, Thou hast loved our fallen race,
And rather than condemn us,
Cast out and banish from Thy face
Thine only Son didst send us;

Who died upon the cross, that we
Should all be saved forever;
Hence Jesus also died for me,
My soul, forget it never.

Thy love, O God, embraces all,
And Jesus’ merits cover
The of all, both great and small,
The world of sinners over.

Thy Spirit doth Thy light afford
To all who will receive it,
And from Thy bars Thy Word
No soul who will believe it.

But what hath moved Thee, gracious Lord?
Why is Thine heart still yearning
Since the great world rejects Thy Word,
Thy love and mercy spurning?

For men go on in sin each day,
In carnal-minded blindness,
And O how few Thy call obey
And heed Thy lovingkindness!

In us no beauty Thou couldst see,
And no intrinsic merit;
We all were poor–but misery
And sin we did inherit.

We wandered each a different path,
And in our lost condition,
By nature children of His wrath,
Whom sin doomed to .

Our virtues and our own good deeds
With God cannot avail us;
With these the enemy misleads,
Such righteousness shall fail us;

Our will and strength and soul are dead
In evil inclination;
Christ Jesus has the ransom paid,
And gained for us salvation.

O gracious God, Thy loving heart
Was full of sweet compassion;
And felt our and desp’rate smart,
And planned our restoration;

Thy grace and justice found a way
To save us from death’s horror;
And everlasting judgment stay,
And give us joy for .

On Christ, the rock, I’m anchored fast,
By faith in Him remaining;
I’ll weather ev’ry stormy blast,
My of soul retaining;

On Father, Son, and Ghost,
My ever firm foundation,
Until the harbor bar is crossed,
And I see God’s salvation.

O Jesus, at my dying breath
Hold Thou my hand securely,
And may I in a living faith
Hold fast to Thee most surely;

That my last prayer to Thee may rise,
My soul to Thee commending,
And I shall find in Paradise
The joys of life unending.


Meaning of Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord

Thy Love O Gracious God and Lord: A Reflection on the Unconditional Love of God

In a world filled with various forms of love, there is one love that surpasses them all. It is a love that cannot be adequately described, a love that tunes the heart to a sweet accord, and a love that goes beyond human comprehension. This love, O gracious God and Lord, is the love that You have for each and every one of us. It is a love that surpasses all other loves, and it is a love that truly passes the power of telling.

When we reflect upon Your wondrous love, our hearts cannot help but yield glad submission. We are in awe of the love that You have shown to us, even in our poor and lost condition. It is Your love that has loved our fallen race, that has not condemned us, but has instead sent Your only Son to save us. Jesus, the Son of God, died upon the cross so that we may all be saved for eternity. It is a love that we must never forget.

Your love, O God, embraces all. There is no one who is beyond the reach of Your love and mercy. The guilt of all, both great and small, is covered by Jesus’ merits. Your Spirit provides light to all who are willing to receive it, and Your Word is not barred from anyone who believes in it. Your love is all-encompassing, and it is always available to anyone who seeks it.

But, dear Lord, what has moved You to continue yearning for us? Despite the rejection of Your Word and the refusal to accept Your love and mercy by the world, Your heart still beats with love for us. In the midst of our sin and carnal-minded blindness, only a few answer Your call and heed Your lovingkindness. Yet, Your love remains unwavering.

We, as human beings, possess no beauty or intrinsic merit that could attract Your love. We were all once poor, dwelling in misery and trapped in the snares of sin. We each wandered on our own paths, lost and doomed to perdition. Our virtues and good deeds hold no value in Your sight. It is only through Christ Jesus, who paid the ransom for our , that we are saved and granted eternal salvation.

O gracious God, Your loving heart was filled with sweet compassion. You felt our woe and desperate pain and devised a plan for our restoration. In Your infinite grace and justice, You found a way to save us from the horror of death and the everlasting judgment that awaited us. You turned our sorrow into joy.

On Christ, the rock, we anchor our faith. In Him, we find peace of soul that withstands every stormy blast. He is our firm foundation, alongside the Father and the Holy Ghost. It is through our unwavering faith in the Triune God that we navigate the challenges of life, until the day we cross the harbor bar and witness God’s salvation.

And even at our dying breath, O Jesus, hold our hands securely. May we cling to You with a living faith, knowing that You will guide us through the end of our earthly journey. Let our final prayer rise to You, as we commend our souls into Your loving care. And in Paradise, may we find the joys of life unending.

In conclusion, Thy Love O Gracious God and Lord is a hymn that encapsulates the incomparable love that God has for His creation. It is a love that surpasses all other loves, a love that cannot be measured or adequately described. Despite our shortcomings and sinfulness, God continues to love us unconditionally. May we always remember and cherish this love, and may it resonate in our hearts and guide our lives as we journey through this world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unconditional Love of God - Thy Love O Gracious God And Lord 

Discover the love that surpasses all others, tuning our hearts to sweet accord. Reflect on God's wondrous love, saving us from our lost condition and providing everlasting joy.


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