Thy Mansion Is In The Christian’s Heart – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the beauty of the Christian's heart as a dwelling place for God. Explore the need to rid ourselves of negative influences and embrace the joy and peace that God's presence brings. Surrender your heart to Him and experience the blessings of His love."

Thy Mansion Is In The Christian’s Heart – Hymn Lyric



Thy Mansion Is In The Christian’s Heart – Hymn Lyric

Thy mansion is the ‘s heart, O ,
Thy dwelling-place secure!
Bid the unruly throng depart,
And leave the consecrated door.

Devoted as it is to Thee,
A thievish swarm frequents the place;
They steal my from me,
And rob my Savior of His praise.

There too a sharp designing trade
Sin, Satan, and the , maintain;
Nor cease to press me, and persuade,
To part with ease and purchase pain.

I know them, and I hate their din,
Am weary of the bustling crowd;
But while their is heard within,
I cannot serve Thee as I would.

O! for the joy Thy presence gives,
What peace shall reign when Thou art here!
Thy presence makes this den of thieves,
A calm delightful house of .

And if Thou make Thy temple thine,
Yet, self-abased, will I adore;
The gold and silver are not mine,
I give Thee what was Thine before.


Meaning of Thy Mansion Is In The Christian’s Heart

In the hymn “Thy Mansion Is In The Christian’s Heart,” the poet beautifully expresses the idea that our hearts are the dwelling place of the Lord. It emphasizes the need to rid ourselves of any unruly behaviors or negative influences that may steal away our joy and hinder our ability to praise and serve our Savior.

The Christian’s heart is likened to a sacred place, devoted to God. Just as a mansion provides security and protection for its residents, our hearts should be a safe haven for the Lord. However, the poet acknowledges that there are unwanted visitors in this mansion – a thievish swarm of sin, Satan, and the world.

These unwelcome guests cunningly maintain a sharp and designing trade within our hearts. They incessantly pressure and persuade us to give up ease and embrace pain. Their relentless interference makes it difficult for us to fully serve God as we desire.

The poet clearly recognizes the negative impact of these influences and expresses a weariness towards the bustling crowd within. The noise and distractions created by sin, Satan, and the world can be overwhelming at times. They divert our attention and prevent us from wholeheartedly serving God.

But amidst this chaos, the poet longs for the joy that only God’s presence can bring. When the Lord is truly present within our hearts, a sense of peace and tranquility will reign. The den of thieves, which refers to the sinful influences, will transform into a calm and delightful house of prayer.

In surrendering ourselves to God, we acknowledge that our hearts are His temple. Despite our shortcomings and weaknesses, we ourselves before Him and offer our adoration. The poet recognizes that the gold and silver within this temple are not actually ours, but rather, they belong to God. He acknowledges that everything we have and everything we are is ultimately a gift from Him.

By giving back to God what was already His, we demonstrate our gratitude and love for Him. We willingly surrender our possessions, our talents, and our very lives to serve Him. This act of surrender allows us to fully embrace His presence within our hearts and experience the joy and peace that He brings.

As we reflect on the powerful message of this hymn, we find encouragement and motivation to cleanse our hearts from any influences that hinder our relationship with God. We are reminded that our hearts are a sacred dwelling place, reserved for the Lord alone.

Let us strive each day to guard our hearts diligently, rejecting the temptations and distractions that seek to steal our joy and pull us away from our Savior. In doing so, we can create a space within ourselves where God’s presence can reside fully and transform our lives.

May we always remember that our hearts are the mansions where God desires to dwell. By nurturing this sacred dwelling place and offering our sincerest , we can experience the true joy and peace that comes from having God within us. Let us surrender all that we have and all that we are to Him, and in return, He will bestow upon us his immeasurable love and blessings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of the Christian's heart as a dwelling place for God. Explore the need to rid ourselves of negative influences and embrace the joy and peace that God's presence brings. Surrender your heart to Him and experience the blessings of His love.


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