Ye Humble Souls Complain No More – Hymn Lyric

Discover the boundless happiness and blessings that await humble souls. Have faith in a future filled with joy and hope

Ye Humble Souls Complain No More – Hymn Lyric

Do not fret, dear humble , for your future holds immense happiness and blessings beyond your wildest dreams. This is what the sacred words of truth tell us. Even in the depths of your sorrows, when consumes you and tears of repentance flow, have hope in your . Hope that lifts your downcast eyes and reveals a bright future awaiting you in the heavens above.


Ye Humble Souls Complain No More – Hymn Lyric

Ye humble souls, complain no more
Let faith survey your future sort
How , how divinely blest,
The sacred words of truth attest.

When conscious grief laments sincere,
And pours the penitential tear;
Hope points to your dejected eyes
A bright reversion in the skies.

In vain the sons of wealth and pride
Despise your lot, your hopes deride;
In vain they boast their little stores;
Trifles are theirs, a kingdom yours:

A kingdom of immense delight,
Where health and peace and unite
Where undeclining pleasures rise,
And ev’ry wish hath full supplies:

A kingdom which can ne’er decay,
Though time sweep earthly thrones away.
The state, which pow’r and truth sustain,
Unmov’d for ever must remain.

Great God! to thee we breathe our pray’r:
If thou confirm our int’rest there,
Enroll’d among thy happy poor,
Our largest wishes ask no more.


Meaning of Ye Humble Souls Complain No More

Do not fret, dear humble souls, for your future holds immense happiness and blessings beyond your wildest dreams. This is what the sacred words of truth tell us. Even in the depths of your sorrows, when grief consumes you and tears of repentance flow, have hope in your heart. Hope that lifts your downcast eyes and reveals a bright future awaiting you in the heavens above.

It may seem that those who possess wealth and endless pride disregard your struggles and mock your aspirations. But do not be disheartened, for their material possessions are mere trifles compared to the riches that are yours. You are blessed with a kingdom of boundless delight, where health, peace, and joy intertwine. In this realm, every desire is fulfilled, and unending pleasures abound. Unlike earthly thrones that crumble with the passage of time, this kingdom never fade away. It is sustained by the power and truth of a greater state, established for .

Oh, great God! We lift our to you, earnestly asking for your confirmation of our place in this realm. We long to be enrolled among your happy poor, for in this we find our greatest satisfaction. Our aspirations extend no further than the privilege of being counted among your chosen and contented ones.

As we delve deeper into the meaning and message of this hymn, it becomes apparent that it offers solace and reassurance to those who may feel marginalized or overlooked in a that often values wealth and status above all else. The hymn encourages the humble souls not to complain but rather to have faith in their future. It reminds them that their worth and happiness do not depend on material possessions or societal approval.

The hymn paints a vivid picture of a kingdom reserved for those with a humble heart. It is a kingdom where all their needs are met and where everlasting joy resides. The contrast between this heavenly kingdom and the temporary wealth and possessions of the worldly rich becomes evident. While the worldly may boast about their little stores, the humble have access to immeasurable treasures and boundless contentment.

The hymn acknowledges the struggles and challenges faced by the humble souls but urges them not to lose hope. It highlights the power of faith and the promise of a bright future, reminding them that their sorrows will not last forever. The penitential tears shed in repentance are seen as a stepping stone towards their ultimate reward in the heavenly kingdom.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that earthly thrones and positions of power are ephemeral, subject to the passage of time and the changes of fate. In contrast, the state established by a higher power, one that upholds both power and truth, remains unshakeable and everlasting. This notion offers reassurance and comfort to those who may feel marginalized by societal norms or discouraged by the transient nature of worldly success.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a powerful reminder to all humble souls that their worth and happiness go beyond material possessions and societal recognition. It encourages them to have faith in a future that promises immense joy and blessings. Even in the face of adversity, they are reminded of the unending pleasures that await them in a kingdom that will never fade away. May we all be inspired by the sacred words of truth and find comfort in the knowledge that our largest wishes are granted when we are counted among the happy poor.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the boundless happiness and blessings that await humble souls. Have faith in a future filled with joy and hope, beyond the temporary riches of the world. Let the sacred words of truth guide you to a kingdom of eternal delight. Don't fret, dear humble souls. The kingdom of immense joy and divine blessings is yours to embrace. Trust in the brighter future that awaits you in the heavens above.


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