Jesus, Merciful And Mild – Hymn Lyric

Discover comfort and guidance in the loving arms of Jesus

Discover comfort and guidance in the loving arms of Jesus, our merciful and mild Savior. Find solace in His forgiveness, love, and everlasting promises. Trust in His guidance and experience true peace and happiness.

Hark, The Voice Of Love And Mercy – Hymn Lyric

Discover the triumphant and comforting hymn "Hark

Discover the triumphant and comforting hymn “Hark, The Voice of Love and Mercy.” Experience the power of Christ’s finished work and find hope in His love and mercy. Join in praising the bleeding Lamb for our redemption.

O Jesus Christ My Fairest Light – Hymn Lyric

Experience the boundless love of Jesus Christ

Experience the boundless love of Jesus Christ, my fairest light. Let His love warm your heart and be the center of your life. Embrace His love and never let go. Let His love ignite your soul and bring you everlasting joy.

Another Year For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on the past

Reflect on the past, set intentions for the future, and serve our Savior with renewed dedication in Another Year for Jesus. Embrace opportunities for growth, make improvements, and spread love as we await His return.

We Sing For All The Unsung Saints – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of faith and hope in the stories of unsung saints. Their impact may go unnoticed

Discover the power of faith and hope in the stories of unsung saints. Their impact may go unnoticed, but their steadfast devotion and selflessness inspire us all. Join us as we honor their legacy and become vessels of God’s grace.

My Song Is Love Unknown – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Unconditional Love of Jesus Christ in "My Song Is Love Unknown." Delve into the hymn's verses and be reminded of Jesus' immense love for humanity. Experience a love that is unfamiliar yet life-changing.

Discover the Unconditional Love of Jesus Christ in “My Song Is Love Unknown.” Delve into the hymn’s verses and be reminded of Jesus’ immense love for humanity. Experience a love that is unfamiliar yet life-changing.

Father Supreme Whose Wondrous Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the boundless love and blessings of Father Supreme Whose Wondrous Love hymn. Find solace

Discover the boundless love and blessings of Father Supreme Whose Wondrous Love hymn. Find solace, hope, and guidance in God’s eternal grace and seek His blessings for your needs. Experience His unfailing love and share it with others.

Jesus Calls Me I Am Going – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Calls Me I Am Going - Answering the Call to a Life with Christ. Answer Jesus' call for purpose and meaning. Find freedom from worldly sorrows and embrace eternal life. Learn how to live a fulfilling life with Jesus. Come

Jesus Calls Me I Am Going – Answering the Call to a Life with Christ. Answer Jesus’ call for purpose and meaning. Find freedom from worldly sorrows and embrace eternal life. Learn how to live a fulfilling life with Jesus. Come, answer His call today.

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of walking with Jesus as we follow His pure example. Flee worldly temptations

Discover the joy of walking with Jesus as we follow His pure example. Flee worldly temptations, embrace suffering, and find hope in eternal life. Let Jesus be your faithful friend and constant companion on this journey. Experience the fulfillment of doing the Father’s bidding. Walk with Jesus and find peace and joy in His presence.

We Love This Outward World – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty within this outward world. Embrace the joys of nature and the depths of your soul. Find wisdom

Discover the beauty within this outward world. Embrace the joys of nature and the depths of your soul. Find wisdom, love, and light in both realms. We love this outward world and the world within. Embrace the divine love.

Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible power and love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art." Experience forgiveness

Discover the incredible power and love of Jesus in the hymn “Jesus My Savior How Mighty Thou Art.” Experience forgiveness, freedom, and victory as you trust in His wisdom and walk in His will.

Sing A New Song To The Lord God – Hymn Lyric

Sing A New Song To The Lord God: Celebrating the Wonders of Creation. Join us in praising Jehovah through music and rejoice in His love

Sing A New Song To The Lord God: Celebrating the Wonders of Creation. Join us in praising Jehovah through music and rejoice in His love, mercy, and salvation for all mankind. Lift your voice and be filled with awe and gratitude for His amazing creation. Sing with us and feel the power of a new song.

The World Knew Not Jesus When Down To Earth He Came – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus in "The World Knew Not Jesus When Down To Earth He Came." Learn how to know Him

Discover the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus in “The World Knew Not Jesus When Down To Earth He Came.” Learn how to know Him, receive salvation, and share His message of hope. Don’t miss out on knowing the Redeemer, Lord, and King.

Lift Your Eyes And Look On Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Lift your eyes and look on Jesus for hope

Lift your eyes and look on Jesus for hope, grace, and eternal life. See the glories of His grace and experience the wondrous knowledge of God’s image in His face.

Blessed Savior, Thee I Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the deep love and devotion for our Blessed Savior in this hymn of faith. Find solace in His presence and trust in Him for guidance and protection. Only He brings true joy and fulfillment. Follow and share His love. Blessed Savior

Discover the deep love and devotion for our Blessed Savior in this hymn of faith. Find solace in His presence and trust in Him for guidance and protection. Only He brings true joy and fulfillment. Follow and share His love. Blessed Savior, Thee I Love.

Jesus Came To Seek His Lost Ones – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love and forgiveness of Jesus in "Jesus Came To Seek His Lost Ones." This powerful hymn speaks to seventh-graders

Discover the incredible love and forgiveness of Jesus in “Jesus Came To Seek His Lost Ones.” This powerful hymn speaks to seventh-graders, reminding them that Jesus seeks the lost, died for our sins, and offers abundant life and joy to all who believe. Find comfort and hope in His unconditional love.

I Have Precious News To Tell – Hymn Lyric

Discover the precious news of redemption and joy as Christ has come to dwell

Discover the precious news of redemption and joy as Christ has come to dwell, transforming hearts and offering unwavering love. Find hope, faith, and everlasting joy in His redeeming blood. Hallelujah!

My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love Gods Holy Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the overwhelming love and blessings as my soul is inspired by God's holy name. Experience the forgiveness

Discover the overwhelming love and blessings as my soul is inspired by God’s holy name. Experience the forgiveness, grace, and mercy that brings light to our lives. Express gratitude and embrace the power of His name for eternal blessings. “My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love: God’s Holy Name.”

Will You Walk Alone With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Will You Walk Alone With Jesus? Begin a beautiful journey of faith and friendship with Jesus. Embrace His love

Will You Walk Alone With Jesus? Begin a beautiful journey of faith and friendship with Jesus. Embrace His love, trust His plan, and experience the fullness of life in His presence. Start your walk alone with Jesus today.

Deck Myself, My Soul With Gladness – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of decking yourself

Discover the joy of decking yourself, your soul with gladness in the love of Christ. Leave behind sadness and embrace the radiant splendor of His grace. Find true joy and fulfillment in His wondrous banquet.

To Love Someone More Dearly Every Day – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Journey of Growth and Compassion with "To Love Someone More Dearly Every Day." Embrace love

Experience the Journey of Growth and Compassion with “To Love Someone More Dearly Every Day.” Embrace love, kindness, and purpose in your quest for a fulfilling life. Discover the power of love and make a difference every day.

Come Jesus And Bless Me – Hymn Lyric

"Come Jesus And Bless Me" - A Hymn of Gratitude and Commitment

“Come Jesus And Bless Me” – A Hymn of Gratitude and Commitment
Experience the joy and love of Jesus as you learn about His sacrifice, His blessings, and His desire to bless and guide you. Open your heart to His grace and be His dear child.