Jesus My Advocate Above – Hymn Lyric

Find strength and support in prayer with Jesus

Find strength and support in prayer with Jesus, My Advocate Above. Discover how Jesus intercedes on our behalf, guiding us through life’s challenges and bringing our prayers to God. Experience the comforting presence and love of Jesus, our Friend and Advocate above.

Jesus Savior Come To Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience true peace and joy with Jesus as your Savior. Find comfort in His presence and invite Him into your life. Cry out to Jesus

Experience true peace and joy with Jesus as your Savior. Find comfort in His presence and invite Him into your life. Cry out to Jesus, and let Him ease your pain. Await His return with hope and anticipation. “Jesus Savior Come To Me” expresses the deep longing for Jesus in our lives.

O Joy Of Joys God So Did Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy of God's Love and Salvation

Experience the Joy of God’s Love and Salvation, as He Sent His Son for Our Redemption. Find Peace, Happiness, and Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. Reflect on the Boundless Love of God and His Unconditional Grace.

On The Waters Dark And Dreary – Hymn Lyric

Discover peace and salvation in "On The Waters Dark And Dreary." Jesus

Discover peace and salvation in “On The Waters Dark And Dreary.” Jesus, our Savior, is always near, calming life’s storms with His love and power. Find solace in His presence and praise the Holy Trinity for their eternal unity.

On The New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Build the New Jerusalem with Faith

Build the New Jerusalem with Faith, Prayer, and Divine Mercy. Reflecting on the hymn “On the New Jerusalem,” discover the profound lessons it holds for believers in constructing the heavenly city.

I Came To Jesus Lost Undone Confessed To – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding forgiveness. Experience redemption and peace in "I Came To Jesus Lost

Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus with a repentant heart and finding forgiveness. Experience redemption and peace in “I Came To Jesus Lost, Undone, Confessed To Him My Sin” hymn.

Just A Little Talk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and guidance in prayer with "Just A Little Talk With Jesus." This hymn reveals the power of prayer in overcoming challenges and finding solace in Jesus. Trust in His guidance and let Him make everything right.

Find comfort and guidance in prayer with “Just A Little Talk With Jesus.” This hymn reveals the power of prayer in overcoming challenges and finding solace in Jesus. Trust in His guidance and let Him make everything right.

Jesus My Highest Treasure – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true joy and rest in Jesus

Discover the true joy and rest in Jesus, our highest treasure. Commune with Him and find unfailing pleasure that surpasses worldly happiness. Give yourself willingly to the Savior who atoned for our sins. Heal your anguish and find bliss in His love. Let Jesus, the Bread of Life, dwell in your heart and brighten your life with grace. Experience true happiness and gain through His love and favor. Aspire to be with Jesus in heaven, where He prepares a place for us. Treasure Jesus above all else for eternal fulfillment.

Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long – Hymn Lyric

Discover the meaning behind the hymn "Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long" and how His love brings light

Discover the meaning behind the hymn “Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long” and how His love brings light, joy, and comfort to our lives. Find hope and solace knowing Jesus is always there, guiding us through life’s challenges and illuminating our souls. Join us on this journey of faith and experience the warmth and joy of Jesus’ eternal love.

Jesus Our Captain Hope Of Our Salvation – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unwavering love and support of Jesus

Discover the unwavering love and support of Jesus, our Captain, as our beacon of hope and salvation. Find peace and courage in His guidance, knowing that He will conquer our enemies and never forsake us. Let His goodness be upon us as we worship and praise Him.

Arise All Souls Arise The Watch Is Past – Hymn Lyric

"Arise All Souls Arise: The Watch is Past - Embrace the New Life. Experience the breath of God

“Arise All Souls Arise: The Watch is Past – Embrace the New Life. Experience the breath of God, conquer death, and spread the feast of love and truth. Rise and meet your Guest, His light flames from East to West. Don’t miss this opportunity to arise and grow strong in faith!”

I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and comfort found in loving the Lord

Discover the joy and comfort found in loving the Lord, who hears our voice and answers our prayers. Find strength in His Word and trust in His unfailing love. You are never alone with Him by your side.

All Day Long Of Jesus I Am Singing – Hymn Lyric

Discover the uplifting hymn "All Day Long Of Jesus I Am Singing" that celebrates the unwavering love and devotion to Jesus. Experience the joy and praise that comes from knowing Him. Sing along to this heartfelt anthem!

Discover the uplifting hymn “All Day Long Of Jesus I Am Singing” that celebrates the unwavering love and devotion to Jesus. Experience the joy and praise that comes from knowing Him. Sing along to this heartfelt anthem!

Beneath The Cross Of Jesus I Fain Would Take My Stand – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and security beneath the cross of Jesus. Discover the wonders of redeeming love and embrace a life of surrender and grace. Take your stand and experience the strength

Find comfort and security beneath the cross of Jesus. Discover the wonders of redeeming love and embrace a life of surrender and grace. Take your stand and experience the strength, refuge, and glory it offers.

Come Thou Precious Ransom Come – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the hope and salvation of Jesus in the hymn "Come Thou Precious Ransom Come." Discover His transforming power and invite Him to dwell in your heart for immeasurable riches and eternal blessings. Sing praises to our King.

Embrace the hope and salvation of Jesus in the hymn “Come Thou Precious Ransom Come.” Discover His transforming power and invite Him to dwell in your heart for immeasurable riches and eternal blessings. Sing praises to our King.

Before Thy Cross Lamenting My Savior I Would Lie – Hymn Lyric

Before Thy Cross Lamenting: Embracing Forgiveness & Redemption Through Repentance. Explore the healing power of God's grace and find solace in the embrace of our Savior. Let go of guilt and open the door to renewal.

Before Thy Cross Lamenting: Embracing Forgiveness & Redemption Through Repentance. Explore the healing power of God’s grace and find solace in the embrace of our Savior. Let go of guilt and open the door to renewal.

Farewell Vain World I Bid Adieu – Hymn Lyric

Embrace True Happiness and Eternal Treasures with "Farewell Vain World I Bid Adieu" - Find lasting joy beyond worldly promises and pursue a relationship with God for ultimate fulfillment. Discover treasures that endure and pleasure that never fades. Rise above the fleeting allurements of the world.

Embrace True Happiness and Eternal Treasures with “Farewell Vain World I Bid Adieu” – Find lasting joy beyond worldly promises and pursue a relationship with God for ultimate fulfillment. Discover treasures that endure and pleasure that never fades. Rise above the fleeting allurements of the world.

He’s Real To Me My Father God – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Reality of My Father God - Discover the truth of God's existence through His Word and the power of His love

Experience the Reality of My Father God – Discover the truth of God’s existence through His Word and the power of His love, grace, and presence in your life. Discover the reality of your Father God.

Looking Past The Stars At Night – Hymn Lyric

Looking Past The Stars At Night: Discover the Beauty of the Sinless Land. Explore a realm of purity and find hope in a land beyond our earthly existence. Feel the awe of gazing at the stars and envisioning a place where sin is nonexistent.

Looking Past The Stars At Night: Discover the Beauty of the Sinless Land. Explore a realm of purity and find hope in a land beyond our earthly existence. Feel the awe of gazing at the stars and envisioning a place where sin is nonexistent.

By Samarias Wayside Well – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful message of redemption at Samaria's Wayside Well. Uncover the healing flow that has saved nations long ago. Experience the transformative power of this ancient fountain.

Discover the powerful message of redemption at Samaria’s Wayside Well. Uncover the healing flow that has saved nations long ago. Experience the transformative power of this ancient fountain.

As Pants The Wearied Hart For Cooling Springs – Hymn Lyric

Title: "As Pants The Wearied Hart For Cooling Springs" - Connect with the King of kings

Title: “As Pants The Wearied Hart For Cooling Springs” – Connect with the King of kings

Are you longing for solace and renewal? Discover the universal longing within our souls to connect with a higher power in this powerful hymn. Find strength and assurance in God’s unwavering love.

Down From His Glory Ever Living Story – Hymn Lyric

Down From His Glory: The Ever Living Story of Jesus - Delve into the profound significance of Jesus' sacrifice and love for humanity through the hymn "Down From His Glory." Explore his birth

Down From His Glory: The Ever Living Story of Jesus – Delve into the profound significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and love for humanity through the hymn “Down From His Glory.” Explore his birth, life, and ultimate purpose for redemption and salvation.

Winter In His Heart Of Gloom – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of winter's gloom as it sings a hopeful hymn for the coming bloom. Embrace the promise of an eternal spring where decay is no more and our Redeemer comes again. Winter In His Heart Of Gloom: A Hopeful Hymn for the Coming Bloom.

Experience the transformative power of winter’s gloom as it sings a hopeful hymn for the coming bloom. Embrace the promise of an eternal spring where decay is no more and our Redeemer comes again. Winter In His Heart Of Gloom: A Hopeful Hymn for the Coming Bloom.

With Cheerful Songs And Hymns Of Praise – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of spreading the love of Jesus through cheerful songs and hymns of praise. Join our Christian band and make a difference in the lives of others. Unity

Experience the joy of spreading the love of Jesus through cheerful songs and hymns of praise. Join our Christian band and make a difference in the lives of others. Unity, gathering the lost, and God’s guidance are emphasized in this beautiful hymn.

Lord Of Our Life And God Of Our Salvation – Hymn Lyric

Seeking hope and peace amidst darkness? "Lord Of Our Life And God Of Our Salvation" offers solace and guidance

Seeking hope and peace amidst darkness? “Lord Of Our Life And God Of Our Salvation” offers solace and guidance, protecting us from challenges and granting us divine peace. Find comfort in the Almighty’s love and grace.