Tag Archives: Triumph

Hark My Soul Angelic Songs Are Swelling – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power of angelic songs. Join the Salvation Army, an Army of God, in [...]

I Love Thy Zion Lord – Hymn Lyric

"I Love Thy Zion Lord: Discover the significance of the Church and why believers have [...]

Only To Trust Thee Jesus My Savior – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "Only To Trust Thee Jesus My Savior" that expresses unwavering trust, [...]

I’m A Pilgrim And Will Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

META DESCRIPTION: Discover peace, guidance, and the promise of a heavenly welcome on life's journey [...]

I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heartfelt hymn "I Need Thee Blessed Jesus" expressing a deep need for Jesus' [...]

Jesus Is Calling – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Calling: Answering the Call to Serve - Embrace the call of Jesus, find [...]

Three Little Ducks That I Once Knew – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heartwarming story of three little ducks that captured the town's hearts. From their [...]

Out Where The Banner Of Jesus Leads – Hymn Lyric

"Follow and serve Jesus wherever He leads, on a mission of relief and battle for [...]

Birds Are Singing Flower Bells Ringing – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate Children's Day with birds singing and flower bells ringing. Discover the joy, innocence, and [...]

Holy Jesus In Whose Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of prayer and intercession with "Holy Jesus In Whose Name." Draw near [...]

The King Of Love My Shepherd Is – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and assurance in "The King Of Love My Shepherd Is" hymn. Jesus Christ, [...]

I’m Safe When Im With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the safety and comfort that comes from being with Jesus. Find peace in His [...]

I Have Decided To Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Make the firm decision to follow Jesus and experience hope, purpose, and eternal life. Learn [...]

Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound wisdom in "Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower." Seek divine [...]

Jesus, Still Lead On – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the reassuring hymn titled 'Jesus, Still Lead On.' Find guidance and inspiration for life's [...]

Im Abiding In Jesus What A Blessed Place – Hymn Lyric

Experience the blessed place of abiding in Jesus' love and care. Find freedom, rest, and [...]

The Fire Of The Sun Shall Be Quenched At Last – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the Foreverness of Your Soul's Journey - The Fire Of The Sun Shall Be [...]

The Master Comes He Calls For Thee – Hymn Lyric

Spread the message of Christ's love and salvation. The Master Calls! Go forth and set [...]

O Jesus I Have Promised – Hymn Lyric

Experience the faithfulness and guidance of Jesus in "O Jesus I Have Promised." Explore the [...]

Grow Something New – Hymn Lyric

Experience transformation and renewed hope as God nurtures and grows something new within us. Embrace [...]

Blest Is The Man Whose Honest Soul Disdains – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and rewards of following Jehovah's law. Avoid the path of impious counsel [...]

Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the soul-constraining power of the cross in "Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus." [...]

Onward We March In Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power of faith and find victory in "Onward We March in Jesus' Name." [...]

What Would Jesus Have You Do – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your Christian living by exploring the principles of following Jesus. Find out how to [...]

Seeing I Am Jesus Lamb – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and care of Jesus as you reflect on being His cherished [...]

I Am Saved Through Faith In Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of Jesus' love and salvation. Find strength, hope, and joy through [...]

Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Title: Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks To Thee Keyword: Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks To [...]

God Gives Us The Flowers Radiant Flowers – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound significance of flowers as a beautiful gift from God. Radiant and captivating, [...]

If Your Soul Is Seeking Rest – Hymn Lyric

Find Rest and Peace at the Altar: Discover the Blessings Your Soul Seeks

I’ll Be A Friend To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Be a loyal friend to Jesus, standing by Him in times of adversity. Explore the [...]

O Thou In Whose Presence My Soul Takes Delight – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort, hope and salvation in the presence of O Thou who delights the soul. [...]

Lord Jesus, Think On Me – Hymn Lyric

Get comfort and guidance from Lord Jesus. Find solace in His presence, purify your sins, [...]

Is Your Life Fully Yielded To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Explore the hymn's thought-provoking questions and discover how to yield your life fully to Jesus. [...]

Lead On O Lord Above The New Years Gates – Hymn Lyric

Discover the promise of hope and guidance in the hymn "Lead On O Lord" as [...]

My Soul Will Overcome – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of redemption and salvation in the hymn "My Soul Will Overcome." Find [...]

Sing Joyful Anthems Of His Love And Power – Hymn Lyric

Sing Joyful Anthems of His Love and Power: Embrace the Salvation of Jesus and Spread [...]

Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover comfort and guidance in times of need with Jesus, our Savior. Trust in his [...]

More And More Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "More and More Like Jesus" and learn how to embrace Jesus' character, [...]

Kindly And Graciously Prompted By Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the touching hymn "Kindly And Graciously Prompted By Love" celebrating Jesus' love for children. [...]

Arise My Soul And Greet Him – Hymn Lyric

Arise My Soul And Greet Him: Celebrating God's Amazing Love and Grace. Reflect on the [...]

Jesus Calls The Boys And Girls To Him – Hymn Lyric

Jesus lovingly calls upon boys and girls to come to Him for guidance and protection. [...]

Shine For Jesus Where You Are – Hymn Lyric

Let your light shine for Jesus right where you are. Be a faithful witness, show [...]

Come With Us O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and faith of "Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus." Find meaning in [...]

Are You Shining For Jesus My Brother – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of shining for Jesus in a world of darkness. Let your light [...]

Jesus Lives And So Shall I – Hymn Lyric

"Experience hope and trust in the resurrection with 'Jesus Lives And So Shall I' hymn. [...]

There Is A Sunny Side To Every Path Below – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the sunny side to every path in life. Find joy, comfort, and guidance amidst [...]

O Joy Of Joys God So Did Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy of God's Love and Salvation, as He Sent His Son for Our [...]

We Are Jesus Little Ones – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unconditional love Jesus has for children. Explore the significance, potential, and guidance He [...]

On The New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Build the New Jerusalem with Faith, Prayer, and Divine Mercy. Reflecting on the hymn "On [...]